Chapter 7: Romeo and Juliet

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"What's in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 🌹🥀

~The wedding~


"We have time to kill."  Liam looks over at me after pulling up the map on his phone, pointing at the twenty minute drive.  The reception doesn't start for another hour. 
We're coming off the highway and winding through a small, charming little town.  I've never been to this area before, but all the buildings are quaint and charming. 

"Do you want to walk around for a while?  I've never been here before and it looks like a cute little village."  I ask tentatively.

"Sure, sounds good."  I exhale as Liam pulls over to a parking spot on the side of the road. 

"We're gonna look crazy walking around dressed like this." 

"Don't be ridiculous, I obviously pull this suit off incredibly well.  You're gonna be the one who looks crazy!"  I laugh drily.

We start walking down the cobblestones, my heels awkwardly trying to avoid slipping into the cracks.  Luckily, I'm a skilled heel-walker. 

We point out cute shops and little bakeries, most of them closed or closing.  When we reach the end of the street, I gasp.

"Liam!"  He shifts his gaze up to where I'm pointing at excitedly and groans.

"Figures that's where you'd want to go.  Come on, then."  I laugh excitedly and drag his arm down towards the building. 

The building itself is less of a building and more of an updated cottage.  It's dark brown roof slopes into a point at the top.  The front is a very English design, consisting of a formal door, complete with a knocker, an accordian window above and the centerpiece that had caught my eye-a giant square paned window.  Everything is coated in gold and dark blue, white speckles spattered across the window panes.  The door is ajar, but pedestrians can only catch a dark glimpse of the inside, leaving room for intrigue and curiosity to take hold. 

The faded gold lettering on the front clearly reads "The Midnight Book Shoppe" and stacks and stacks of books are visible through the front window.  I'm so excited.
We enter the little shoppe and a small bell above the door daintily announces our arrival. 

The inside is even more beautiful than the outside.  It's way bigger but it still maintains its charming little quality.  The gold shelves are lined with beautiful books, their spines scribed with swirling script and typewriter lettering.  There's a small wooden desk near the front, where a woman who looks to be in her late fifties smiles at us.  I smile back politely and go back to taking in the room.

The centerpiece is a giant staircase, dark blue with gold railings and more white dots flung carelessly over the steps.  I walk over to them, running my hand over the railing lovingly and staring upstairs.  Liam walks right past me and up the stairs.

"What are you waiting for?"  He laughs.

"Oh, shut up, I'm admiring it!"  He just shakes his head as I bound up past him.  The upstairs is lined with more and more books.  The front has a bay window filled with cozy night-themed cushions that looks like the perfect place to curl up on a rainy night, candles lit, and read your favorite book. 

I turn around to see another old woman near the back of the upstairs, shelving a few books and humming quietly.  I approach her.

"Excuse me?"

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