Chapter 8: Six Months

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"When you keep bringing something up, you're not over it."

~Age 17, 5 years before~

*The song provides some foreshadowing, so be sure to listen to the lyrics! :)


"Hey, beautiful!"  I feel arms enclose around me from behind and I turn around to see Greyson, smiling.  I giggle and peck his lips. 
"Hey, what's up?  I thought you were gonna be at the skate park today?" 
"Well, I figured it'd be way more fun to come pick my girl up and take her to dinner?"  He asks, raising his eyebrows.  I melt.  For Greyson, ditching skateboarding to come hang out with me is a pretty big deal.
"Aw, you're so sweet!  Let me just text my parents to tell them I'll be home late."  I type a quick message to our family group chat, which is met with a thumbs up from my Dad, and I grab Greyson's offered arm. 
We walk away from the school, me waving at people I know as I walk across the lawn.  When we round the corner, I groan when I see the skateboards. 
"I should've known you would find some way to work skateboarding into this."  I complain, but I'm secretly excited for him to continue teaching me.  It's been about five months, and I'm starting to be able to stay on for a ten minute length without falling off. 
Greyson reaches down, grinning, and hands me his helmet he had left on top of his skateboard.  Mine is one of his old ones, plain black. 
I shove the helmet on, convinced I look like a complete dork, but also knowing I'm bound to fall at some point. 
Greyson just shakes his head and smiles at me, kissing me again before helping me onto the board.  I drop his hands when I'm balanced and I start skating.
"Hey, genius!  Wrong way!"  I jump off the skateboard, laughing and run back to him. 
"Where are we going?"
"It's another surprise!  I'm just full of surprises today, aren't I?"  I smile, concentrated on getting back on the board myself.  I am glad he remembered though, I wasn't sure if he would. 
We start skating down the sidewalk, Greyson circling back occasionally to wait for me to catch up.  There's a lot of laughing and falling before we finally end up at the park. 
"I thought we were getting food?"  I ask him, curious to see what he has planned.  Greyson is definitely one of the most spontaneous people I know, and there's never a dull day dating him. 
"Well, you see, I actually drove over here earlier."  He looks at me like that explains everything and I shake my head playfully. 
"Just tell me!"  I jump off the skateboard impatiently, shaking my waves out of the helmet.  He doesn't answer of course, but instead pops the board expertly into his hand and walk towards his truck.  I follow him, curious.  He's parked in the best spot, with a view of grass fields and what's starting to look like a beautiful sunset.  He grabs a few items from the cab and my eyes widen in understanding. 
Best.  Boyfriend.  Ever.
Greyson is holding blankets, fairy lights, pillows, and a huge basket which I assume is filled with food and plopping it all in the cab. 
"So?"  He asks, gesturing to the bed of the truck. 
I run towards him and fling my arms around his neck, kissing him hard. 
"You're the best boyfriend ever."  He chuckles, pulling my hands off his neck lovingly and walking back to the truck. 
"Well, you gonna just stand there in awe of my awesome planning or come help me?"  I laugh and bound forward. 
We spend a good fifteen minutes, taping lights into place, strewing pillows and blankets over the bottom and opening up the basket to reveal takeout from my favorite Mexican place.  When we're finally settled, the sky is just beginning its show of colors, and I'm sitting cross-legged facing him and eating my burrito. 


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