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"Our meeting is scheduled for Monday morning. Prepare a small report on your specialization and be ready to answer the panel's questions. I know two days time is less for all of you to settle in to this new environment as well as focus on the meeting preps. But life's all about multitasking, children."

 All let out a deep sigh at the mention of multitasking. I just end up screwing up several things at once in the name of it. One thing after another has always been my policy. We had grouped in front of the professors for the big announcement. Someone even predicted that it would be an invite for the welcoming party. Where's he?

"Any questions?"

Dr. David was himself tired standing at the airport talking to us after the long travel hours. He sure is more tired than any of us here. He will be very happy to hear a no, professor in return. Sadly, a hand appeared raised above us. Multiple heads turned simultaneously towards him. It is the same party predictor. I looked at him just in time to see him watching me. What?  I mouthed and he gave me his middle finger in response. Disgust seeped through me. So childish.

"If there's no party then I'm leaving." 

Neil's voice sounded sexy even in it's weary state. So deep and dark, it perfectly matches his tall and broad profile, but not his personality. I still can't believe we are of the same age, he still acts like a hormone stricken teenager. Are we friends? Not so much. We are people who like to talk to each other just because our conversations often lead to heated debates, filling us with intoxicating joy as we burn each other up with our insulting comments. 

As I was recollecting various incidents that involved attractive voice like Neil's, my damn brain came up with the latest one- the one I was trying desperately to remove from my head as soon as I finished hearing it. "May I have a minute?"  I kept hearing that one sentence over and over in my mind that each time I encountered it I had this urge to hear it again from his mouth directly. See, you like this one better than Neil's. What? No. Why am I talking to myself? 

I wonder how my name will sound in his voice. I am lost. And it's not like he knows my name in the first place. I dissolved my attention from Neil to the professor. Dr. David looked relieved when Neil brought up his need to leave. Everyone wanted to leave. To shower. To sleep. Or that's what I wanted.

"Everyone, if you have any doubts about anything at all feel free not to call me but your department heads. You guys are good to go."

Dr. David turned to exchange a few more words with his fellow professors and the new California faculty. They are getting along pretty well unlike a certain someone who doesn't even try to smile back. Neil was the first one to drag his luggage and move out of the group towards the exit. He's cranky as always. Soon after that everyone said their goodbyes and starting heading out into their new lives in Berkeley. I searched for Hera around but there was no sign of her anywhere.

"Did she run away with the new Indian hotshot professor?"

Ryan seemed totally taken aback by my comment that he took a moment to realize that I was just joking. Was I? 

"She is waiting outside."

"We better get going then."

"Yeah. Let me accompany Dr. David."

Ryan walked to the professor, shared a few words and helped him with his luggage along with his. I followed them towards the exit. Dr. David turned to me while continuing to walk along with us and then he asked the question I am pretty sure I didn't want to answer.

"So, how is California so far, Tara?"

"You mean the airport?"

"And meeting the faculty."

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