''So have you thought about where Louis' gonna be living?'' Harry asks, breaking the silence.

''Yeah. I think we're gonna make Louis move in with us.'' Liam tells him.

''Are you sure that's a good idea?'' Harry wonders. ''He has lived here since as long as I can remember. He's in a very vulnerable state right now and him moving in with you may take a piece of his childhood from him ,i.e, Jay.''

''Wait. How is him moving in with us related to Jay? I mean it's not like Louis' just gonna forget about her if he leaves this house. She's always gonna be alive in our memories. And besides, where is Louis gonna stay, if not with us? He's still a minor and legally can't live alone without a guardian. And we can't just hand him over to the state or to foster care. '' Zayn asks, confused.

Before Harry gets a chance to speak, they hear the sound of soft footsteps descending the stairs.

''Louis, you're awake. Welcome back buddy!'' Zayn exclaims and goes to hug him.

''Are you gonna send me to foster care?'' Louis asks scared.

''God Lou, we would never. Why would you think that? You're not going anywhere.'' Liam tells him. Louis thinking that they would send him away absolutely breaks his heart.

''But I heard you talk-''

''Why don't we eat something first?'' Zayn suggests. ''I bet you're hungry! You've had a long day.''

''Uhh no, I'm not really hungry.''

''Are you sure? You've not eaten anything since morning. You're gonna get sick.'' Liam presses his worry upon Louis. 

''Um that's not true. You made me eat that gross avocado pudding in the morning, or might I say force it down my throat. I don't even like avocados! They're disgusting. How could you Liam, to your own brother!? If you wanted to poison me, I'm sure you could've googled and found a million other different, more effective ways to do that but you chose to feed me avocados. God, even an enemy of mine wouldn't have done that!''

''In my defense, that was the only thing I could find that was 'up to your taste'. And you didn't even finish it.''

''Yeah because I don't like them and you should've know about that!''

"Of course I know that! But do you know there health benefits?" Liam argues.

"I don't know and I absolutely don't care if they're the healthiest food of all time. I don't like them, end of conversation!"

''Well, before the pudding, I did bring you some hard boiled eggs which were 'too rubbery' for you.''

''Because they were!''

''Ok Louis you win.'' Liam throws his hands up in the air. He knows Louis' gonna argue till midnight if he has to, just to prove that Liam is in fact wrong. A triumphant smile makes its way onto Louis' face and he feels like he has finally accomplished something in a long time.

''Lets forget about what you had in the morning. That was hours ago and you really need to eat something babes.'' Zayn tells Louis.

''Mhm.'' Louis shakes his head. "I'm said I'm not hungry."

''But it's pizza! Your favorite! Think about it again before we devour it all.'' Zayn wiggles his eyebrows.

''No thanks, I'll pass.'' Louis tells them determined.

''Are you sure?'' Zayn narrows his eyes at him.

''Do you want me say it in Spanish now?''

''Louis, come on. Just one slice, yeah?'' Harry tries.

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