impromptu poetry/ lump of hamburger

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Late night
Poets shine
Wrapped up in the fears
Of the past
Or whatever

Sleepy time
Is the write time
Words flush my mind
Breaking my happy
Flooding me back
To a time
Where I was better
Better than now
When the world sucks
It sucks

Time clicks on
Reminding me
I'm older with every passing second
And that
I will never be young again
Young and happy
Like I was
Was happy
Now miserable
In my own
Lazy brain
Lump of nerves and chemicals
Ground hamburger
With stupid feelings
And stupid thoughts
Because my hamburger
Is stupid

Wake up tomorrow
Tired and angry
Mad because I didn't sleep
My stupid hamburger brain
Lump of nervous chemicals
Wouldn't shut up
And let me sleep

Poetry Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora