not your gay

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I am a sad gay
A queer told to adhere
To what the straights say

I am a walking dictionary
On what it means
To be trans
What's two spirit mean
And what the fuck
Are neo pronouns

I am a bystander
As I am shown other gay behavior
And they ask
Are all you fags like this
Correcting a cis when your pronouns are tarnished
Upset when told you don't exist
Told your identity and orientation are
Make believe
And all in your head

I can say
To defend other queer babies
Like me
For the fear of
Humiliation and embarrassment

All you guys are the same
Making things up just to feel
Like you belong
When you don't

I am not your dictionary
I am not your behavioral expert
I am not your all-knowing entity

I am me
I am a person
A human
A beating heart and thinking mind
I  am queergender
I have no male or female individually
I am both and none all at once
Call me by they and them

I am human
I am myself
That's all I ever need to be

Are all

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