impromptu poetry/ dear child of my past

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Drowning in the memories I'd once forgotten about
Remembering people I haven't seen in years
Where I was several years ago
And as if watching from a high up balcony
I feel my life
My past life
Unfold below me
What got me here
To this point where I am
I'm drowning but I'm flying
Remembering what my life was like as a weird kid with only a few other friends
And how I felt like the world was against me if I wasn't with them every day
To now
How I don't know those kids anymore
Those kids grown up as I have
Haven't said a word to those people in years
And then back then
I felt like the world was shitty
That was my biggest problem that made me cry
Oh past child
How easy you had it then
Dry your eyes child
You'll learn to trust yourself
And trust in yourself
Trust your gut
Do not cry over boys and girls who made you smile or laugh once
But open yourself to your own heart
Who will never steer you wrong

The past can hurt
And it will
But allow the pain to heal
Be kind to yourself
And discover your inner peace and true happiness

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