impromptu poetry/ we're the same person

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The world is fucked up
We know that
It's changing
Not fast enough

Good people die everyday
Do they know it was the last time
They'd wake up

We can't stop it
Death is inevitable
And absolutely terrible
But we can't change it

They say
Be the change you want to see
But what the fuck does that mean

I change
I'm an outsider
I stay the same
I'm a lowlife
I change
I'm trying too hard
I stay the same
I'm boring
I change
I'm overly confident
I stay the same
I'm stuck

There is no winning
And there is no right answer
Nothing means anything
But we must do something
Because doing nothing isn't good enough

World leaders want followers
But encourage change
But nothing too drastic
No no ideals
But feel free to share

Here we are
Lab rats in a maze
Not that corner
Keep going straight
Go left
No your other left
Off course kill it
That one's not doing anything
Kill it
That one's biting back
Kill it
That one's beating up the other one
Let it live
Then kill it

Change what
The world
People be trying for years and years
And here we are
Not living but surviving
Know it alls of nothingness
Self control of not
Experts on the monotonous

Just calm down
Street smarts
Liven up
Live a little
We're here for a good time
Not a long time

Create hope
Peace if you wish
Call it what you like
Don't speak too loud
But scream it at the top of your lungs
Let them know
But tell no one

Cut and paste
Feel like a superhero villain
And die like everybody else
Because that is how
We are all the same

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