easter dinner

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I feel full
After a fantastic meal my mom prepared
Broccoli and salads
With a side
Of various homemade garden pickles
And fresh dinner rolls
She baked last night
Until three in the morning

She dug out her bread maker
And wiped it off with starry affection
Shining in her eyes
The worn bread book open to a page well folded
She brought out the ingredients by the armload
Because she didn't want to waste any time
Making two trips

Even measurements
Went into the rising dish
All evenly layered with care
The sugar and salt and liquid
Be it water or milk
May not touch the yeast
Which rests on top
Now everything is in there
We carefully secure it in the maker
Turn the setting to dough
And hit start
Look at all the other settings we can try later
And all the other breads and buns and baked goods we can make
On a day where we aren't busy
We should try all of them

The bread does its magic in two hours
Then making it our turn to knead it
Form it into dinner buns
And place them in the buttered pans to rise
After that
Bake them for twenty minutes

The first batch done
It made a dozen
We're having our bubble over for dinner
It's the big Easter weekend
And I want to make a good impression
One dozen isn't enough
Is it
I'll make three more
Would you like to help me

I am full
Because of the wonderful meal my mom made today
And I think I know the secret ingredient
But don't tell her that I know
That the ingredient
That she uses with close attentiveness
Unconditional love

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