a desperate prayer to odin

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If you're able to hear me
I'm sorry again
I know I'm probably wasting your time
But I don't know who to talk to
And I feel like I really need to talk to somebody

I feel like shit
My heart hurts
Every breath feels like it's weighed down by bricks
Slouching is becoming natural habit from such heavy shoulders
And I think
My soul is broken
And my eyes want to cry but there are no tears left
But even if I were to cry
I'd feel no better after

I just feel like
Things aren't worth it anymore
Trying hard isn't good enough
Nose to the grindstone won't take me anywhere
Putting my heart in it breaks it into shards
Tomorrow keeps looking too far away

I don't like pain
But if I went to sleep one night
And never woke up
It's not looking so bad
At least then
All the shit would stop

Is this a battle
Because it feels like it
It's the worst kind of battle
Because it's in my head
It's in things I don't know how to control
If all it took
Was to swing some battle axes around
Until I felt better
Until all my problems were laying around my feet
It would feel easier
Than it does right now

My battle
And my failure to win my battle
May not grant me a seat in the great halls of Valhalla
If it isn't too much to ask
Can I just walk with you
In the great forests surrounding the hall
Or along the beaches
We could sit on the sand
And hold smooth pebbles in our hands
And we could talk about everything
All the stars in the sky
Every plant on the ground

If it isn't too much
Can you stay with me
To make me feel
Like it isn't scary
Because I'm crying
And I'm lost
And I need some support
I need somebody
To stay with me
Once it's all over
So I know
That I died well
In a battle
That could never
Be won

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