recalling a time that wasn't mine

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Time flies
It feels like only yesterday
I was the stupid nervous kid
Asking and stuttering
Is this the place for theatre
And feeling weird
So I offered to help move tables
To look like I belonged
When I didn't

I liked the theatre games
The warm ups
But I felt like a goof
When I didn't know how to swear
When I was supposed to swear
Because it was for the play
And I had to be the bad guy
And yell
At a lovely girl
I'd just met

I feel like
My showing up
Might have upset some people
I couldn't swear
I was awkward
I was a country kid in the city
Talking about drugs and drinking
When I didn't know
What any of that was

I didn't belong
In a group
That dealt with troubles of the streets
I knew nothing of the streets
There wasn't any streets
Where I came from

They accepted me
Letting me tag along
On road shows
To burns lake
Then terrace
And eventually vancouver
Not to mention
The massive handful
Of shows we did
In the city we lived
The weaving words festival
Nurse training at the hospital
The test show at art space
Just to name a few I can quickly remember
And also
All of the video projects
Or random ideas we started
That we talked about
Maybe doing
One day

I probably wasn't supposed to be there
I know a few people would say that
And I'm sorry
Even though I wasn't well liked by older members
And I didn't know them as well as I should have
Though I wasn't as educated about certain things as I should have been
I did feel happy there
I did learn a lot
And I did appreciate every minute of it

And I miss it so much
Even though
It's not mine to miss

Thank you

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