impromptu poetry/ i don't know

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I don't know how I'm feeling
Or how I'm supposed to feel

I don't know my own name
For fucks sake
I thought I had found it
After trying to learn who I am
Because the one I was given
Didn't feel right
But now
Both names
Feel like they belong to

My life sucks
I will never be
That normal person
That my age should be
Because of certain
Unforseen circumstances
So I  don't know what it's like
To even be
Whatever that could possibly imply

I can't deal with anything
That happens in my life
Because as soon as I start thinking about it
I cry like a pathetic child
My head feels like it will implode
And my stomach feels
Like it is trying to
Kill itself
From the inside out

I don't know who I am
And I have said this
Time and time again
But I just feel
And I don't know what I'm supposed to do
To make it all stop

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