Ch. 1 - Wraith

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"He has to know something. He had access to his records after all," Chisaki grumbled as you made your way down the hallway back to his office.

You followed Chisaki through the labyrinth of hallways. Though it was a confusing mess, you learned to navigate the base with time since you had been stuck there for so long. You tried to remember the last time you saw the surface seeing as Chisaki gave you no need to leave, giving you anything you needed for life: food, clothing, shelter, and even entertainment should you ask for it. You were ultimately free to do as you pleased at this point, no longer a prisoner like you once were - you just didn't have a reason to go up there. Though your job was torturous, you otherwise lived a pleasant life underground and you had considered Chisaki a good friend save for some of his work methods.

"I'm sure he'll talk soon," you mumbled and rolled your eyes in response to your master's mutterings. "Based on his expressions, there's not much more he can take." You watched carefully as Chisaki grabbed a hefty set of keys from his pocket and shoved one into the hole beneath the doorknob to his office.

"Yes," Chisaki agreed, shoving the large, metal door open and stepping inside. He immediately sat down on the sofa and rested his forehead in his hand after removing his glove, his elbow on the armrest. "You've been doing well," he looked up at you as you joined him on the sofa across from him, a coffee table between you. "I understand this isn't easy for you, Wraith."

Wraith. It was the name he chose for you as a way to protect your identity. You didn't feel any connection to the name. In fact, it made you feel dirty. It made you feel like some type of criminal...which wasn't completely false seeing what you were being forced to do. You wished Chisaki would just use your given name.

"I promise you'll be the first to receive the cure," he sat up straight once more as he spoke, his tone completely endearing. "We just need to find him first."

"Thank you," your voice was quiet as you kept your eyes away from him.
That was one thing you had to do after your first encounter when you were first brought to the Hassaikai. You were instructed to keep your eyes away from his face seeing as that was how your quirk could be activated. What you had done in the interrogation chamber was forbidden. You figured you'd get punished for what you'd done - something that hadn't come since you were relieved of your "prisoner" status, and you had actually never been punished by Chisaki himself.

The two of you continued to sit in silence for a few moments. Chisaki put his glove back on when he had determined he was no longer going to slouch on the armrest. Instead, he opted for drumming his fingers against his knee - the only sound the room as you continued to stare down at your lap with nowhere else of interest to look.
Chisaki's mind had been racing for quite some time, feeling fonder of you by the day over the past few years he had known you. You had been of incredible use in gaining information and he understood how much your quirk bothered you, especially considering your past that you had shared bits and pieces of over the years. You had gone from prisoner, to employee, to friend in the matter of a few years and he wanted to rid you of your pain.

"Wraith," he spoke up again softly, your eyes flickered to his neck - as far up as you were permitted to look, "I consider you one of my closest associates at this point, next to Chrono. You're a friend, really..." His tone was soft as he spoke. It interested you since you couldn't look at his face, not that his plague mask would allow you to get any sort of better read on his emotions. You had never seen him without it.
"I see the pain in your eyes when you're doing as I say," he stood and came to your side, standing in front of your seated frame. You kept your eyes trained on his shirt, knowing better. "As soon as we find him, I'll make sure to relieve you first. I mean that."

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