Bonus Chapter 1 : Flesh and Blood

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I wasn't a big fan of television but I could easily handle watching videos on my phone whilst multitasking more. After moving out of the house, the girls dubbed themselves to be the Holocouncil when they had debuted into the inter-web. The Hololive community rejoiced at their bombastic entrance, causing fans to have regicide idiosyncrasies to anyone who dare slander them. 

Kronii gnawed away at the hearts of many, instantly gaining over a hundred-thousand subscribers on YouTube without even posting an official video yet. It was ridiculously funny and inspiring. The rest of the girls were received with positive praise and I couldn't be happier.

Their official PV drove me to tears (internally) and some of my co-workers didn't understand why I was squealing at my phone like I was seeing a Feebas evolve after ten episodes. 

Baelz had managed to squeeze in an extra three hours for break time so she spent it by joining me for dinner outside. I didn't really care where we went as long as she was with me. Baelz recommended going for something light as she had to consider her weight into mind. The rest of the other girls were occupied with some matters about future collaborations. 

Sana texted me recently saying they were practicing vocal training with one of her managers. They were going to sing a song for their idol group's rep but they had to control their voice. Hydrating and humming were key requirements. 

So, here I was dressed in my everyday suit, enjoying cilantro and iced tea with the most beautiful woman I could ever ask for with a soothing ambience.

We settled for one of Baelz's go-to's, a relatively quiet Mexican-styled restaurant. This might not be the most suitable place to keep a bloated belly in check but Baelz wasn't human. 

And she was my girlfriend.

I was getting back in shape after doing consistent reps on a daily basis. Frequenting the gym emaciated my lack of confidence. It was terrifying witnessing shredded masculine specimens flexing and recording themselves in there while I looked like a torn off plank of wood. A few people in there did tell me I shouldn't be feeling shitty since they also started as amateurs. 

Getting rid of unneeded creases and insecurities, I followed their advice and visited three times a week, dying at the thought of planking for half a minute and running in place for twenty minutes at a moderate pace. It didn't take long for that uneasiness to subside and sooner than later, I was testing out most of the equipment inside that sweaty place and finding out how long my calves and arms could last.

I wanted to work hard not only for this woman but for myself as well. 

"We're going today and you can't say no." She didn't have to remind me. I don't think I could run away anymore. I made a ton of excuses but I wouldn't run away this time. The coward in me shelled out and in exchange, my resolve overturned it. 

"Yeah..." Though it doesn't change the fact I'm nervous as hell. 

Visiting the family who wanted to disown you was either a hit or a miss. I never had the strength to confront them after I'd received that message from dad. I had rebelled, ran away so I was also partially at fault. It was true my parents wanted me to follow in their footsteps, and they didn't hesitate in their bluntness, but maybe I could've done better with our relationship instead of fleeing. This was something Baelz and I had talked about over the phone. 

She needed to meet them no matter what. Even if my parents ignored my calls and messages, she wanted to establish her role as a partner of their beloved son. 

My fork dug into the grilled steak, seeing its juices ooze out as a reaction. My eyes roamed at Baelz's features. Aside from the chaotic wardrobe she regularly bolstered, she was wearing a black long-sleeve neck top that hugged her curves with high definition, her brown trench coat and beanie hung on the chair's head. Instead of using kitchen utensils, she sunk a claw into the grilled meat, slicing it like how a ninja would in tranquility. 

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