Chapter 10

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A pink-haired woman wearing a brown coat that went past her waistline entered YacDonalds the next day. Inside had been a dark green turtleneck long-sleeve that hugged her curves to the point of perfection. 

Her black Zalando boots tapped and clicked on the cement pavement as she took off her sunglasses. As she entered, the place was spic-and-span, the bombing incident from yesterday far from reality and dismissed as a failed attempt from the daily newscast. The only difference was that the place was empty, the scars of yesterday still engraved onto the tables and the floors. The glass walls that were drenched with blood had been wiped and not all of them had faded away completely.

Truthfully, she'd felt a rift in the universe being ripped apart. She just wanted to go back streaming and playing video games with her fans. But when she had received a call that five women in funny outfits were able to handle the situation like trained military veterans in a bombing attempt, she refused to believe it until she saw it herself.

Opening the door, she was met with who happened to be the janitor.

"Uh, we're closed for today... Cleaning and maintenance are being done until the next week... Haven't you heard bad guys came here just recently?" The guy wiping the floor with a mop got the woman's attention.

The way this lanky YacDonalds employee said 'bad guys' reminded her how a kid would say it.  It almost cracked her up but she remained cool and composed, realizing it was her turn to speak.

"Did five women really save this place from a possible detonation?" she asked.

"Were you here that time? The news hadn't caught their faces but the hostages saw them," The janitor pointed to himself. "Me being one of them. So, how can I help you?"

"Did the surveillance cameras catch their faces? I would like to see who these women are."

"Oh I'm not well-equipped with that kind of information, lady. But I think the cameras were already hijacked by the time the thugs came in here to threaten the restaurant. T'was a shame, those women could've been recognized as heroes."

"Why would these thugs want to bomb this place? It doesn't seem to hold high value other than its grub." She placed her hands inside her pockets, balancing herself steady putting on her full weight on one foot.

The janitor scoffed. "That grub is the value. The leader of those brawn-minded terrorists had a long-time grudge on our manager but that's something I won't be telling to a gorgeous woman like you."

"Why not?"

"Beautiful women think they can get all that they want through looks. Psh..." He walked away, carrying his mop with pride but paused. "Oh. This is just me being grumpy. You just need to know what they look like, right? I can tell you what they were wearing."

She didn't come here for the food anyway.

"I need to know your name first. You look pretty important."

"Mori Calliope. Now spill."


Being an idol had its perks. Calli could stream all kinds of content online that she desired and thousands of people would watch. Calli, was specifically part of an idol agency called Hololive. 

The human populace understood this industry as a platform for talented and cute individuals who garner the attention of many through their quirks, costume design, aesthetic, and unique mannerisms in social media and streaming sites through the videos they make.

By someone having their whole identity known by 'yubi yubi', being airheaded, and showcasing their speed in music rhythm games, these were simply highlights of each respective idol which ultimately raked in the big dough. To act as a channel and entertain a massive and young demographic who spend half their day on their phones, the business thrived off of those digits.

The Hololive Council (a Hololive Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now