Chapter 4

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What does a mere human do when faced by beings almost equal to gods? 

Kronii, assuming she's a governor of time, watched my every move with caution, cutting me up to pieces in her imagination. Baelz ambled like a good girl scout between Fauna and I with her arms behind her back, unlike her raging and blistering mode earlier. 

"I'd tell you to calm down but these two are here so I guess that's impossible." Fauna dissolved into muffled snickers. "A normal person entering our realm is not unheard of but to enter twice is unprecedented."

"You mean another human went here before?"

"I cannot recall as it was a million years ago. That was when we chose to stay beside Earth when Space blew it up." Fauna carefully fiddled with the branches tangled in her hair. Space? Wasn't the meteor shower back then responsible for that? "Under normal circumstances, even if there weren't any barriers, it'd be difficult for a human to slip through considering their low immunity in the speed of light."

My body turned to stone at that piece of information. 

"It was a long time ago. Much of the universe has changed and so does our home. We are not close to the Earth anymore but we oversee it." 

According to Fauna, this place was not attached to the human world. The only way to penetrate through the gateway is to have the power of traveling at light speed.  To humans, this would take eons to accomplish. The basic-looking forest I've stumbled upon was nowhere near Earth. The longest distance humans attained in their lives from their world to far beyond was more than two-hundred thousand miles. Taking that into mind, I would need more than thirty decades of my life to even reach their definition of a pit stop. No, probably millions of lifetimes.

The grass in the forest? It wasn't grass like in my world. They didn't carry any medical benefits or used for fuel. They were unusable and heavily poisonous to those who abused it. 

"So you mean to tell me this guy just walked in here like that was nothing?" Baelz inquired. 

She eyed me up and down, unimpressed. 


She clicked her tongue. "You're a lil' sus."

"Let me get this straight though," I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You're living and breathing concepts of the universe made into these avatars by the gods? Fauna is Nature, Baelz is supposedly Chaos and Kronii's Time?"

"There's also other concepts besides us, dork," Baelz mentioned. "They didn't receive blessings like we did so they're only by name and not by body."

I don't think I could survive in this environment if these three hadn't joined me. The wildlife here seemed to be astronomically non-identical to the ones on Earth. I still wondered if some fishes or chickens existed. 

"Long story short, we watch over humanity in this universe at a higher plane. That answers all of your worries. Now be quiet." I follow as Kronii said, almost peeing my pants. It didn't but I'd happily oblige if this didn't end with my neck being split.

"We are here. Space probably expects you to meet her. She sees everything so make sure to give her your greetings."

"Where are you guys going?" I asked them as they retreated back to wherever they were headed to.

"Our resting places. What? You think we live together?" Baelz crankily replied to me before going up the stairs stomping on her feet. "Should you choose not to play Minecraft with me later Kronii, I'll make sure you can never play again."

"Hmph. Such trivial things do not affect me in any way. I will do my job, as always." She teleported, not an ounce of her existence present anymore. 

"I guess you have to leave too huh Fauna? Is Space scary?"

"Not to me but maybe for you. I will escort you to her. You might get lost."

For someone who's far away from home, I'm taking all of this too well. 


"Hi there!~" 

Space was a ehem... very voluptuous individual. She was sitting beside a round table that had a complex and intricate design. The walls bared this design as well. For a governor of space, she had an easygoing personality. 

"I knew you would be coming!~ Please have a seat!" I did as she told me to. Not like I had a choice. I was surrounded by galactic monsters. What can I do? Pray? "We don't have a lot of guests coming here so I appreciate variety when it shows up!"

"What is it you want from me?"

"Nothing in particular. Humans can't bargain very well. But there is something I want from you that you do not own." She puts her hands together as if she were scheming something diabolical. World domination? Making me their slave? The possibilities were endless. "Is the world's music fun?"


"Yep! The ones where humans sing their heart out and all these instruments blend well together as the singer's breathing is erased to make the song more vibrant and immersive-"

"I don't believe I follow but you like music?"

"I do." Sana hummed to herself. "Arlo, you are aware we are concepts. Ideas crafted by the universe turned into higher powers." She grabbed my hand, making me blush profusely with smoke coming out my head. "I believe you came here for a reason. To make us see more than what we know."

I drank alcohol and I somehow got involved with the likes of you. I didn't come here of my own volition. 

"I can see through you. You have good intentions but all are put to waste."

Those words irked me.

"You put too much faith in me."

"How else are you able to enter our world if not that? Old scribes did say man is an intellectual being. Creating inventions, making wild discoveries, and crossing borders... You have come here to show us-"

A loud sound erupted throughout the tower, effectively making our conversation cease.

Her breasts were on the table like bean bags. As a man, I'm ashamed, even in times of bad luck, I turn even badder. "That's right... I can't start the meeting just yet if the girls aren't here. Why don't we start off with introductions?" 


She pouted. "No family name?"

"I don't like my family name."

"That's a first. I am Space but I am also known to be Tsukumo Sana! It is a pleasure to meet a human in our home." I could feel gravity making me want to explode. What is this sheer pressure this girl is giving me? "I will call the others through my inner voice. You just sit and look cute."

In one second, all of them popped up by the round table, confused. One member was unfamiliar to me but she must've been the one known as Civilization.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm playing games in my room! You could warn me, Space!" Baelz threw a tantrum.

"Everyone, I have decided~" Sana exclaimed. "We will be going to Earth."

"WHAT?!" All of them shouted.

Baelz, happily smiling cheered from her seat but sat back down when the room turned silent. 

The Hololive Council (A Hololive Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now