Chapter 3

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I was drunk out of my mind. A business that only cared for my performance, a family that cared for tradition and a girlfriend who was only after the money my rich family made. Huh. I was seeing stars. I'm sure that star winked at me. 

I kept bumping into people on my way home, a bottle of sake in hand. 

"Can't I just stream my life?! OIII HEAVEN! GRANT ME A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS HAHAHA!" I spun the bottle around in my grasp like one of those cowboy ropes. My stomach growled as I covered my mouth. I wanted to vomit.

 Was there a bush nearby? Ugh, all these lights on buildings were killing my head. A bunch of purple and blue vacated the sights and the crowd of people paved way for me out of pity. 

Why did my family leave me? Cause I was stubborn? Cause I wouldn't marry a girl that was closely tied to our religion? 

"IT'S THE 21ST CENTURY! MARRY AN ALIEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" It was that bartender's fault. He looked like a hawk. Haha, crazy hawk!  

My head was bobbing left and right and I was seeing double. Hours later, I bumped into someone again, causing me to fall face-first to the ground. A squeak came out of the person's lips. Oh, did the roads change? It turned quiet all of a sudden.

A forest. The same as that time. I hope this doesn't become an unhealthy habit...

"W-who?!" She was clutching headphones near her chest. She dressed funny. "W-was I spotted?!"

RAT. It said on her shirt. I was gonna puke.

"STOP! I just bought this! Don't you dare... How did you even get in here?" 

I grit my teeth at her. Was she also like my boss?

"You think you'rrrre special?" I slurred through my words, unable to comprehend what was real. "I'm too f**ked up to care... Do you have any uh... water?"

"What?" She was looking at me strangely. If anything, she was the one with the strange clothes. Why do I keep seeing weird women at night? 

"My head hurts..." I suddenly giggled. "YOU'RE A RAT, AREN'T YOU?"

She backed away, a red thingy appearing out of her palm. 

"O?" That red thingy was shiny.

"If you're under the influence, I can just toss you back to whence you came. How dare someone disrespect Hakos Baelz like this!" 

Hakos Baelz? That's a name?

A demonic rune? Incantation? Was I in a cartoon?


"Eh? You know her?" 

"She was so prettyyyy! Can I visit her againnn?"


Another person appeared. This time it was a person with a sharp gaze. 

"T-time...! Uhhh..." The rat hid the headphones behind her. "I was just guarding this side of the forest but a human's here so... I was gonna send him away."

"Can I ask what you're desperately trying to protect in your hands?" She slowly sauntered over to the red-haired girl. "What is the embodiment of chaos hiding? I should know. I should absolutely know, right?"

Scary. What cup size is she? Geezus. Why does she have a big antenna on top of her head?

"N-nothing!" The mouse squeaked.

"Oh? So can you show me your hands?" She glared at me for a second. "Do go on, I am interested in what you found."

"Grr... It's headphones, okay?! I had to buy some in the human world so I can play a game without hearing the girls' voices annoying me!" 

The Hololive Council (A Hololive Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now