Chapter 9

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"I just want to ask all of you why my house suffered a shitstorm of clothes and..." I brought up a phone I kept since my junior year. "how on Earth did my phone catch on fire?" 

I knew my second phone would die one day but I didn't think it would be this year. It's been more than a decade and I took precious care of it. Something to do with the software having malware or it just suffered too much from Baelz's  button mashing. There really isn't a lot to button mash for to be honest considering the games there were turn-based.

As promised, I took the girls to YacDonald's. I frequented the place when I was done with work. Any worker who suffered a 8-9 hour schedule was required to have their own personal hotspot. It was pivotal for both the body and the mind. Though it was a blessing and a curse as I've treated this place as a source of stress food from being dumped by my girlfriend. So I binge-ate often and here I was with a BMI over 25.  

We sat, ordered food and ate five minutes later. Fast food was the best. However, aside from Mumei, the other girls didn't seem to have an appetite for food. More like they didn't know if they could eat the food or not.

"I'm sorry, okay? I forgot I left it open," Baelz apologized for the third time. 

"This day was going to come sooner or later," I said, tucking the phone inside my pocket. You did me well bud, take a good rest. "Since you guys have studied the basics, I'm sure you can interact well enough with other people. Don't frighten them please."

"Why do you think we'd try to scare them?" Mumei pressed me to answer, drinking Coke in hand.

"When you've witnessed a fight between two supernatural beings," I look between Baelz and Kronii, both of them giving me clueless faces. You know what you've done. "You start to think of what-ifs. Anyway, I'm glad you guys don't wanna blow up the Earth or something."

"We aren't evil. I think," Space pondered to herself, making me almost choke on my food. "We're also sorry about the clothes. We got carried away and thought we'd try out what it feels like." 

"I'd tell you I don't mind out of courtesy but I probably do mind..." I look to the side grimly, black swirls of gloom appear behind my back. I didn't even consider their body sizes fitting my clothes. They were back to their outfits and everyone around us thought they were hardcore cosplayers or models. 

Yes sucker who's glaring at me from the corner, I'm living the life with gorgeous women around me. If you'd like such luxuries, have the balls to traverse in another dimension with the speed of light huehuehue. 

"Oh, how did finding work go by the way?" she asked.

"I managed to get a call from someone who knows a guy who knows another guy that there's a vacant position. Whether it's cryptocurrency or administrative operations, I'll take anything as long as I can feed myself." I pop a french fry into my mouth. "Eventually, when you grow up, these things become your sources of stress yet greatest weapons."

"The weapon being?" Kronii narrowed her eyes.

"People. Connections. In this world, you're either alone or have people on your side. The strong have their ways and the weak force themselves to ally with the strong. It's human nature." 

"I see."

Kronii eyed the burger in front of her, unable to decipher if it was a threat or not. 

"Have you guys never eaten food before until now?" I asked them. 

Their silence affirmed my suspicions. When I look at the flatness of their midriffs, their slender shoulders and overall fit figure, I started examining my own body as well for comparison. I wasn't lanky but I wasn't too fat either. Maybe I could cut down a bit on the calorie intake. 

The Hololive Council (A Hololive Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now