Chapter 1

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First Hololive fanfic! Hope you guys enjoy first chap!

You wanna know what your problem is, Arlo? You hope too much and get hurt too easily. 

My body sprang up from bed faster than lightning. 

I hadn't realized I was sweating a lot but the nightmare was still clear in my mind. After multiple failures occurred in my life, destiny piqued at my bleak future and chose to instill in me terrible resolutions. 

It was still night; a cold moon greeted my pale complexion. Undoubtedly, a massive headache would follow this soon after at the arrival of dawn. 

I was a simple person, hit by a string of unfortunate events. I look at myself in the mirror in front of me. It's not that my existence carried a lot of disapproval but it wasn't so pleasing to look at either. I was a mess. A big fat mess that would soon lose their job.

My parents hadn't believed in me anymore, the girlfriend I thought I was going to marry left me for better opportunities. I couldn't blame both of them. The only thing I can solicit from them are hard feelings. 

Putting on a big white shirt and some pants, I made my way to the living room searching for a black cap I'd wear outside. Times like these, I couldn't help but just walk aimlessly in the middle of the night. No one would hear me, appreciate me or remember me. Nonetheless, I keep walking and I close the door on my way out, irrespective of the lights being on. 

I prefer dark skies over bright ones. It didn't mean I liked to be engulfed by sadness. Rather, I basked in the peace the unfathomable silence withheld. There was no noise. I was a basic coordinator of life diving into my own unfair reality. I could jog, read books and store information but none of these things made me happy like the night. 

I was walking without directions and emotions. Truthfully, this was more special than my future. But there was something different about this night. An itchy feeling caught up in my throat as my surroundings began to turn hazy. 

When I thought about it realistically, I really had no ambition or willingness to continue living like this. 

No one took me seriously. Me being alone without anyone to contact or communicate was solid proof of it. People who got close to me only had ulterior motives. Lip service when they were given the chance. 

Under this unforgivable moonlight, I was no longer this person named Arlo. The monthly pay for my renting fee had already accumulated to greater proportions and I was actually going to get fired the next morning. All the friends I've made lived their lives while I was failing at it.

I laughed at myself, remembering the times when I told myself constantly I'd be rich as a kid. Those were moments I believed I could do anything but looking back on it now was nothing more than an empty dream. 

And so I continued walking, down another road where nobody knew on that night. A road that led to a forest I wasn't aware of. It felt like a faraway island only I could go to but the walk was short as well. Yet, I continued trudging, huffing from the amount of time I spent moving around. I could just stay here mesmerized by the grapevines that hung on top of trees, enamor myself with the beautiful shade the pond boasted. Society was a joke anyway.

Laying down on the ground, I could see the stars, feel the grass tickling my neck, time slowed down as I did so, the very idea of civilization disappeared here, and chaos clamored within my heart.

"You win life! I give up! You're too difficult!" I laughed again, covering my eyes. They started to hurt then I felt liquid come out of them. "Can't you give me a break?! I worked hard, didn't I? Why do I have to suffer? Why won't things go my way?"

The Hololive Council (a Hololive Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now