Chapter 1

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The Diggory family made their way through the loud platform pushing their way closer to the train. Cecilia was very nervous for her first day of Hogwarts, she turned to face her family before she left them. She smiled at her Dad as he bent down to her level and put his hands on her shoulders. "Remember we will be proud of you no matter what house you get into, just not Slytherin." He said with a chuckle on the end of his sentence. "Yes honey, but remember she will get into Hufflepuff, many generations have made it into Hufflepuff." Her mother said moving her father out of the way. "Now listen Cecilia, you will get into Hufflepuff. There is no way that you wouldn't. Now hurry and get on the train before you miss it." The girl gave her mother a small smile while she pulled me into a side hug as Amos was giving our father a hug. After they all broke apart Cecilia walked over to her Dad and he gave her a big hug and whispered her my ear. "Don't worry about your mother, she only wants what's best for you but we will all be happy for you no matter what." He rubbed her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the head.

Amos wrapped an arm around his sisters shoulder, he was going into his 2nd year so he was excited to see his friends again, all the conversations Amos and Cecilia had all summer lead to them talking about how much she will enjoy Hogwarts. "Hey, I know mum has been in your head all summer but its only because she had her own family problems." She nodded and left him to find a compartment. When she found an empty compartment, she put her suitcase on the shelf and took out a book that her Dad had given to her over the summer. She heard the compartment door slide open and looked up to see a small boy with curly dark hair. She smiled at him. "Hello! Erm I was wondering if I could sit with you? The other compartments are full." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah of course!" She said to him.

He sits facing the girl and brings his hand up. "I'm James, James Potter." His hand still in front of them. "Oh I'm Cecilia Diggory." She said shaking his hand. They both smile at one another and Cecilia goes back to her book while James looks out of the window as they sat in a comfortable silence. About an hour into the train ride the two of them were involved in a deep conversation about who the best quidditch team is. There conversation stopped when a young boy with long-ish hair came running into their compartment out of breath, he looked at both of them in shock while the other two children were staring at him mouths open. "Hello?" Cecilia said as the boy was trying to catch his breath. "What-what are you...who are you hiding from?" She asked. "Oh I may have just pranked some kids a few years above me so I'm hiding, I thought this was an empty compartment...I'll go."

"You pranked older kids?!" James said astonished. "Oh yeah, I bought a few stink bombs a few weeks before coming back and I set them off." The boy said sitting down next to Cecilia. "I'm Sirius Black."

"James Potter."

"Cecilia Diggory!"

"Oh no, I think I may have just set the smoke bomb off by your brother." Cecilia began to laugh and the other boys looked really confused. "Thank you so much! I've been trying to get him back all summer!" Cecilia grabbed his head and kissed the top of his head. Sirius blushed furiously and James was still shocked. "Sorry that was inappropriate of me. I'm- I'm going to get changed, I'd suggest you two do the same."

The two boys watched Cecilia leave and then looked at each other. "Well that was...something." James said with a laugh.


The trio arrived at Hogwarts being guided into the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall. They all looked around the hall gazing at the floating candles and the bewitched ceiling. "When I call your name you will walk up and sit down, I will place the hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses."

Cecilia's stomach dropped at the thought if being pit into any other house other than Hufflepuff, although she knows it isn't a big deal the thought of disappointing her mother makes her feel sick. "Cecilia Diggory." The professor shouted reading from the piece of parchment. She took a deep breath and walked up to the stool. She sat herself down thoughts racing through her head, she felt the hat being placed on her head. It was an itchy material and then the hat spoke. "hmm another Diggory, Hufflepuff. However, you are very loyal and brave, could be a great fir for Gryffindor..." Her stomach was filled with butterflies, silence filled the hall, all eyes were on the girl. She could feel her cheeks beginning to turn red and the hat spoke again. "It better be...GRYFFINDOR!" The girl gave a small smile and walked over to the cheering Gryffindor table. She sat quietly listening to everyone be placed into their houses. "James Potter." The hat didn't even need to reach his head before it shouted Gryffindor. The table began to cheer again and Cecilia clapped for him as he made his way ober and sat next to her.

After everyone had been sorted all the children began to dig into the buffet. Cecilia felt someone kick their foot, she jumped at the sudden movement but looked up to see Sirius Black looking at her. She gave him a questioning loo. "I know you didn't want to be sorted into this house." He said knowingly. "What?! How- how?!"

"I saw your face, you seemed happy being in this house but I know you didn't really want to be here." I nodded. "My mum wanted me to be in Hufflepuff, most of my family have been in Hufflepuff for generations and I didn't want to disappoint her..."

"You haven't disappointed her, clearly you were made to be in this house just like the rest of us. I mean look at me, my whole family have been in Slytherin since Hogwarts bloody opened! Now I'm here, we're both going to be disappointments but at least we'll be disappointments together!" He said with a chuckle. She laughed with him and carried on eating the food she filled on her plate.


OKAY??? So first chapter?! Uhm just a little insight on the first day at Hogwarts.

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