' I could always give you two -'

"Saiki-nii, no, I would like to gain this by my own hands" Gon said, interrupting the psychic.

'Fine. However, if things don't go your guys way in money making, I will intervene' Saiki said with a pointed look, making Gon and Killua nod in the agreement.

"Okay. This event is held at Southern Piece, the world's finest auction house. The money you have won't cover the entry fee" stated Leorio towards the trio, mostly to the two kids.

"But the game has a low difficulty rank on the Hunter website's treasure list" started Gon.


"Because you only need money to get a copy" and with a chuckle, Leorio tossed his arms over the couch head, making Saiki groan and stand up.

"It always comes back to money. This world runs on the money!"

"Well. This just means that a real treasure can't be bought. If you can't obtain an item like this with ease, you can't be considered a pro Hunter, right?" pointed out Killua, making both Leorio and Gon frown.

"I don't need you to tell me that" said Leorio as he and Gon went on the internet.

"But first, we need money. We'll need some starting fund. let's find a way to make some money in Yorknew City!"


'A simple fool. Leorio is probably also an Enhancer' thought Killua as the two were distracted.

'Probably' Saiki also thought.


'This plan better work' sighed out Saiki as he stood besides Killua, who was holding a big  diamond ring.

"Come on down! Let's have some conditional auctioning fun! Here's the thing for the bidding. A diamond worth three million. It comes with appraisal of the store where I just bought it" announced Leorio with a mic in his hand. 

And to the curious of every human being, a crowd began to form around the group of four.

"Arm wrestling will decide the winning bid. The first person to beat this boy wins the diamond. You must pay a 10,00 jenny for the entry. Now, let's star the auction!"

"Saiki-san, that's your cue" whispered Killua to the older teen beside him. With a small nod, Saiki activated him mind link, rather known as 'forced telepathy'

The ability to force relay feelings and or thoughts from one person to the other. This ability was talked within the group when the plan was in the process. In order to make things go smooth, Saiki will mind link each of of them so that no problem will occur.

"Okay, you're first" called out Leorio to a random male contestant.

"You need to pay the entry fee up front"

"Here you go. 10,00 jenny" and with a grin, Leorio gestured the male to the empty seat in the front of the table from Gon.

'Remember to adjust your strength to your opponent' reminded Saiki to Gon.


"Okay, clasp hand" Gon eyed Leorio right after his hand was in place.

'Just follow my instructions'


"Are you ready? You get a single round! Ready... Go!" and with the cue, Gon and the unknown man began the arm wrestling.

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