Karan's POV-

It had been more than 2 months since that incident. Initially, I thought it would have been better if I would have died on the spot.

Trust me when I say this, life could not have been better since then.

My Riya, my life......... yeah!!! She is mine...... had been near me every second of these passing days.

I have seen that care and concern in her eyes for me. What else could I ask for!

Speaking of me, well I have recovered a lot. Due to physiotherapy and exercise sessions, and of course the love and care of my beloved, I can now sit on my own and stand and walk a little with support. I can move around on a wheelchair.

Thanks to that, I can now use washroom on my own. That was much needed.

The cast of my right hand had also been removed and doctors had asked me to start doing tasks that involved light movement of hand. Like eating my food, reading book, combing my hair and other simple things.

As if I will! When I have my beloved to do these things for me, why should I cut on the love I am receiving. Nay. Not happening.

But then, a week ago, Riya reclined my bed and placed an adjustable table before me. She then placed my food plate on it and got busy with other work.

I was waiting for her to feed me as always. Come on! Food tasted so much better when she feeds me. A simple khichdi from her hands beats heaven.

I think I stroked my luck too soon.

When Riya saw me waiting to be fed by her, she said, "You should start eating on your own. This will help your hand recover faster." With that she got busy with other stuff. As if I am going to do it.

Do I have a choice though!!! God!

If this is what is going to happen if I recover, then I don't want to.

For the past week, I have hardly seen her around me. She had delegated all the tasks related to me to the nurses and household.

Yeah I can eat and drink on my own, take a bath on my own, wear my clothes on my own, have my medicines and so on, but she doesn't even hand these things to me herself. She has gotten nurses and house-helps to do that.

I have not married them. I have married her. I love her. I want her. Its a bliss to have her around me. It is everything that I ever wanted in life.... for someone to take care of me as if I was a small kid.

But now she has office to attend. She only comes to check on me twice a day. Only twice! Before going to office and before retiring to bed. As if I am just a formality for her.


It was not so, earlier.

Getting well had its own disadvantages, I realised.

Don't take me wrong. I appreciate her efforts and I know she still monitors everything related to me from far. But I want her to be in front of my eyes.

I would be happy even if she spares an hour for me in whole day. Alright! Even half an hour would do.

But what she gives me is 2 mins of- "Have you taken your medicines?, Are your exercise and physiotherapy sessions going well?, Is the food good?, Do you need anything else?" Bas.

That's the whole and only interaction we have twice a day. Even an distant visitor talks more than that.

Well frankly speaking, she didn't use to talk much earlier as well. But having her in front of my eyes, seeing her running errands for me compensated for everything. Her actions spoke what she didn't. Even that's gone now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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