"Shit!! I am late" Karan mumbled to himself while getting ready to meet his father for lunch at 'The Sophiana'. It was already past lunch time. Actually he had drunk a lot the night before at the pub. He had had a great time with his Dad.

In the pub Tapan was not surprised to see his son getting a lot of female attention and but what surprised him was his reaction towards it. He didn't deny any of the girls for dance or drinks. Only when someone would throw herself on him he would tell her politely that his father was there too.

Tapan knew the only thing holding him back from reciprocating the girls' advances was his promise to him. His resolve to take his son to his most cherished place only strengthened at that moment.

He had decided, he would no longer interfere in his son's life. He would let him take his decisions by himself. But before that he wanted to share a last story or rather a last lesson with him after which he would be a mere spectator in his life helping him only when he would ask for it.

He decided to be Karan's friend for the rest of his life and let himself loose with the music and the ambience enjoying to the fullest. Karan was delighted to see the happy side of his otherwise always 'brooding about work' Dad. He consumed so many drinks one after the other and Tapan didn't stop him this time.

He had no idea what happened after the 9th drink. It was a usual thing. Whenever he drank beyond his limits he forgot what happened after that. Same was the case the night before.

This morning Karan had gotten up with severe headache. The staff head, Ms. Shah, made him lemonade and gave him painkillers. After taking all these and a nice long shower he felt a little better. His eyes were still red from the effect of the alcohol. He wore sunglasses to cover it up. He quickly grabbed a sandwich for lunch as it was already 3 in the afternoon and left to see his father.

On the way he had casual chat with his driver through which he came to know about the previous night's events when he had danced like a maniac, created a scene outside the pub after which he had passed out and Tapan and the driver himself with the help of bouncers had picked him and placed him in the car and in the mansion too the guard, driver and the Tapan had with much difficulty brought him to his bedroom on the first floor.

But this was not all. The paparazzi had from somewhere got the news that the only son of Tapan Malhotra had returned to India and had created a scene at the pub 'Nazzar'. They had come to capture him for some spicy piece of news and Karan's lack of self control and then lack of consciousness had worsened the situation. Tapan had to wait for a long while before he could leave the pub from the back door that too with much difficulty to avoid any kind of negative publicity.

Karan felt bad for his father. His careless behaviour could have costed his Dad years of hardwork as in the business world reputation was everything. In this way he couldn't live in India as he won't be able to live freely as he wished. He made a mental note to talk to his Dad about the same.

Karan was about to enter 'The Sophiana' where his Dad had asked him to meet when he saw the paparazzi outside the main entrance waiting for someone. He was still thinking of how to go unnoticed, as he still had a bit hangover and red eyes from the effect of alcohol he took the previous night, when he heard a loud noise of someone saying "Are woh dekho. Karan Malhotra, Tapan Malhotra's son."

At once he became the centre of attention of all the media. He asked his driver to quickly drive away anywhere to avoid the paparazzi. The driver smartly took a round of the hotel with most of the paparazzi following him. He at once raised the speed of the car when reached halfway through it and once the paparazzi were left far behind he stopped the car in front of the other entrance that laid to the parking and asked Karan to go in while he diverted the media.

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