It was as if everyone was waiting for a 'Yes' from Riya because before she knew she had already gotten engaged. Engaged in a week after the first meeting and to be married in 2 months. Little did she know that her mother didn't want her to change her mind. Also, there wasn't any auspicious date, after that, for a year for them to get married.

Waiting for a year was not an issue generally but definitely in case of Riya. She would scare Karan away in that much time. Sheena had thought.

Karan was way too excited with the thought of getting married. While fixing dates he asked his father as to why they were discarding the auspicious date available in the same month. Everyone laughed at his excitement while so against her nature Riya wanted to kill the guy. Had she acted according to her nature, she would have already killed him and not just 'thought' of killing him. But Riya being Riya didn't even bat an eyelid.

Sitting there amongst the close people and Panditji, after her engagement ceremony was over, Riya felt as if time was running out of her hand. As if she had suddenly fallen into a sand quagmire, desparately trying to escape only to be pulled deeper and deeper to finally vanish into the puddle of sand.

Her eyes fell on her hand where a beautiful diamond adored her ring finger, heavier than any responsibility and expectation she had shouldered till then.

Till then whenever she saw a diamond, she had resolved to be capable enough to buy them for her mother, to be capable enough to bring it within the reach of most of the households of the country who only get to dream of it, to be as strong as the mineral so that no external force could break her except for herself......but today when the symbol of strength rested on her finger it only made her feel suffocated and vulnerable.

She took in a deep breath and looked away trying to check her thoughts feeling breathless for a moment. Her eyes then fell on her parents and the happiness that their faces reflected and finally she could breathe easily.

Yes, only a diamond can cut a diamond and only a diamond can increase another diamond's value by multifolds. She would strive to increase her value, strengthen herself and if she failed to do so and happen to cut herself in the process, it would remain her's and only her secret forever.

After her, there won't be any sorrows in her parents' life. They would have all the time and mental peace to take care of themselves and enjoy life without worrying about her.

With her gone, may be, Sana would agree to return back to them. She had declined to attend Riya's engagement on pretext of some important school project but promised to attend her wedding. Who knew if she would come or not. Riya missed her baby sister.


Karan was really excited and a bit nervous at the same time. He got up early, groomed his best, took the gift he had bought for Riya, picked lilies on the way and set forth to Riya's house in the best of his cars. He grinned throughout the way.

After their first meet he had been so badly smitten by her that he at once consented for their marriage and when the next day he received the news that Riya too had said 'yes' for the alliance, his happiness knew no bounds. He had dragged his father to their secret place and told 'the Tree' everything about Riya and how he felt about her. His father yet again in his life felt glad that Karan positively liked the girl who he thought was best for him.

The next day they were to meet at Riya's house in order to discuss how to go about the engagement and the wedding.
Karan eagerly looked forward to meet Riya and talk to her as if a kid had gotten his favourite toy and wanted to keep it close.

To his disappointment Riya was stuck in a meeting at the office so she couldn't be a part of their meet. Karan asked for Riya's mobile number to Sheena who seemed hesitant at first but then gave him the number.

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