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Karan didn't know for how long he cried first while clutching the tree trunk and then hugging his father who had come near and was now sitting beside him. Although his eyes were wet too and he too felt emotional, Tapan was relatively composed.

"I am sorry son for all that you have been through as a kid, I am sorry for not being there for you, for not being a good father, for letting you go through it alone and living a life of an orphan........" Tapan said when he was cut by Karan.

"Don't say that Dad. I am not an orphan. I have you as both my mother and father. I love you Dad. I missed you so much. I missed Mom. Maaa.............." He couldn't continue further as he broke down again in his father's arms who now hugged him more tightly with one hand while the other hand wiped his tears as he caressed his hair lovingly.

"I love you too son. I love you a lot." Tapan said controlling his tears while looking at his wife's name inscribed on the tree trunk, a peaceful smile on his face. He was thankful to God that even after being such a bad father his son had not held grudges against him and still loved him. He felt extremely blessed at that moment.

After crying his heart out Karan's sobs finally subdued. He realised he was crying like a baby hugging his father like he had always wanted to do as a kid. For a moment he thought that it was inappropriate as he was a grown up now but then he thought who cares. He had longed for this love this embrace all his life.

Sighing in peace he finally pulled away from his father who smiled at him and caressed his cheek wiping the leftover tears from his face. Karan felt a bit embarrassed and in order to avoid his father's gaze looked at the other direction when his eyes fell on the sentence that was inscribed below his mother's name.

It read-
'I knew you had come to break my heart but thanks for not breaking it. I'll be waiting for you.....'
Karan frowned reading the line. As far as he knew his parents had a love marriage. They loved each other a lot and lived happily whatever little time they had together. Then why this sentence...

"Her last words........actually second last!" Tapan said breaking his chain of thoughts. He stood and walked towards the pond. Karan followed him with lots of questions in his mind. Tapan stood there gazing at the pond intently when he finally spoke.

"You know why I brought you here today............ I want to share with you the most important part of my life. Now that you are grown up you will be able to understand each and every emotion involved in this story. Today I'll tell you about your Mom." A beautiful smile lingered on his face as he reminisced the old days. He turned towards his son who was waiting for him to speak.

"I was 15 years old when I ran away from my ancestral house in Punjab after stealing my uncle's money. Hundred Rupees it were, a big amount for those times. My parents had died when I was a kid and my uncle and aunt raised me. They took my father's share of land after their death and so were obliged to raise me. I was not treated well and I used to rebel. I didn't study much and nobody bothered to tell me the right from the wrong. Being in the bad company I had started taking alcohol, tobacco, smoking, gambling and what not. I was heavily criticised and punished for that which only made me more rebellious. Then one day my gang of boys took me to a brothel and then there was no looking back." Tapan said in a serious tone while Karan looked at him with wide eyes.

"But these activities couldn't continue further as they required money which I didn't have so I stole from my uncle. But then I was scared of his beatings. Someone told me that he was searching for me with a spade in his hand. I was afraid like anything. Going home meant enduring the punishment so I took a train and left my ancestral village not to return back ever." Tapan paused. Karan was looking at him intently as if judging him for his rash decision.

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