Karan Malhotra, a free soul, a flying bird with all the charms in the world. Smooth talker, flirtatious and gosh was he so good looking. Gym freak but not really bulky, just perfect with those dimples to die for. The only son of Mr. Tapan Malhotra and Late Mrs. Smita Malhotra.

He had lived in London since he turned 8. Right now he studied in London University and had just given the final exams towards the completion of his post graduation. Karan's life was a colourful mess. A people charmer by nature he had this impact on anyone and everyone around him. A photography enthusiast, he was also blessed with a beautiful voice that mesmerized everyone who had the privilege of hearing him. On constant persuasion of his friends he had started a YouTube channel and started posting the videos of him singing which had brought him a decent fan following even across borders. The combination of his gorgeous looks and riches and talent had made him a mini star. His performances in college functions were always one of the most awaited events. Being the only heir of such a great business tycoon he had a huge following on social media too.

Needless to say he was very popular amongst girls in the college and enjoyed their attention to the fullest. Despite all this he was a very friendly guy with no negative attitude. He never broke heart of any of the girls who approached him or had a crush on him which lead him to date a number of girls. Not that he regretted any bit of it.

He was from the gang of naughty guys in the college. He was never bad in studies but didn't bother to work hard as well. Teachers had several complaints against his naughty behaviour but those were always compensated by the goodness of his heart which led him to treat and respect everyone as an equal and his helpful and empathetic nature made him go out of the way to help those in need.

He had something in him which no one could resist. No one around him could remain angry at him for long. His dimples made everyone forget their anger. The staff in his college and the people there were surely going to miss him.

He was also a party freak. Basically his life was a long and happy vacation. But now his life was going to change for the best. He was about to turn 21 in 15 days. What else did he need! Turning 21 was a normal event in any person's life but for Karan it was huge cause it would bring him sexual liberty. Yeah! You heard that right.

Karan was in his private gym working out making plans in his head for his 21st Birthday. Nobody knew about his real plans though. For them it was another party with booze and all. But Karan had specifically devoted time and energy this time to choose a girl as per his liking. Otherwise he used to date anyone interested in him but never fell into any serious relationship. This time too it wasn't anything serious the only difference was that he would have sex for the first time in his life which he had desperately wanted from last several years now.

His thought process was broken by the buzzing of his mobile. It was his father on the call. He had called to ask Karan to come to India rightaway. At first Karan panicked thinking it was about his health, but then Tapan clarified it was nothing as such. He wanted them to live together in India now that his education had completed. Karan was unwilling. His father had always made decisions for him without considering his feelings. Now that he had spent more than half of his life in London his dad wanted them to permanently shift back to India.

He was about to deny when his father said he wanted to reminisce the early days of his life with his son close to him before he sees his last days. Now how could any child deny such an emotional request. Moreover, Karan was a softy. Unwillingly he agreed and went to make arrangements for his travel to India. Dad will be dad. He thought.


On the other side Tapan was relieved that Karan had agreed to move back. He had grown up but still considered his father's feelings over and above his own desires. He felt touched and at the same time proud of his son. For a namesake father like him Karan was a blessing. He was replica of his mother when it came to his nature and personality. In looks too he resembled his mother more than his father.

Loving her...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora