For a second, her voice even scared Carla. But she didn't flinch much. "One more time, Wendy."

"Mhm." Wendy replies. But Briar was not planning to give them any time.

"SPLIT!" She yelled, and her body cloned itself into four individuals. "DIE BRAT!" Each one of the yelled, spamming shockwaves towards Wendy. This didn't gave time to Wendy to concentrate any magic at all.

A huge disadvantage.

Carla dodged the initial ones easily, but the barrage that came after them was really hard. It covered a vast area... not giving her much allowance for moving.

"W-Wendy..." Carla whispers.

Wendy's eyes were focused on Mary. There was no doubt. Mary was going to use her magic.

With a sudden rise in voice, Wendy yells urgently, "Charle! Take me as high as you can!"

Carla obeyed the instructions, not being able to think on her own thanks to this ruckus. Soon her wings glowed and in other instant, Wendy found herself alone in the calm sky.

Max speed.

The shockwaves of Briar weren't able to reach there.

"THIS IS FOR HIM!" Mary yelled with teary eyes. Thick dark mist escaped her hands and started to spread around the city. It was happening quickly.

"What now, Wendy?" Carla asks.

Wendy glances back at Lucy. The horde that was rushing to the city was still looking gigantic from the height. But the frontline had received heavy damage.

"Just bear with it for a while... Lucy-San." Wendy whispers and raises her hands.

"What do you plan to do?!" Carla asks again.

"I will enchant everyone in this town with immunity towards her magic. But to gather that much energy, I will need to nullify any of the extra magic being used currently. In other words, my and Lucy-San's immunity." Wendy replies. Her hair went pink as she said so. Wind started circling on her palms.

She was calm. But not Carla. "Have you gone insane?" She asks in a low voice. "Even with dragon force... you can't enchant all the population..."

"I can." Wendy replies.

Carla sighed. "You are going to maintain my immunity on the cost of yours?"

"Yes." Wendy replies.

About this moment, the painful groanings of the people in the town were audible even that high. The mist was increasing rapidly.

"Don't. There is no need to keep mine... instead don't remove yours." Carla says.

"Huh? Don't-"

"Without you, it's hopeless. I can't defeat them on my own..." Carla interrupts. "Think with that brain child... not your heart."

Wendy remained silent for a while, but then sighed. "Thank you, Charle."

"Just mature already." Carla says nudging Wendy with her head.

Wendy smiled and lowered her palms and pointed them towards the city. "If getting mature means to not care for you... then I don't want to get mature."

Carla sighed again and started to lower down slowly.

"Status immunity enchantment, ACTIVATE!" Wendy yells, spreading her arms. A magic circle of a terrifyingly large scale, maybe even bigger than the scale of the cult forms above the town.

It rotates clockwise, as blue light falls from the heavens. It was dim, and gentle. As it fell on the ground, everyone in town who were groaning in pain got relief. The purple mist was still spreading, but was not lethal at all. Nothing more than fog.

Fairytail: The Legend Of The SpiritsWhere stories live. Discover now