38: happily ever afters do exist

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one year later...


"HAN JISUNG! Why is it so hard for you to get up each morning? Do you think I enjoy yelling at the top of my lungs every day as some sort of human alarm clock?"

My poor linen curtains receive their daily tug-of-war demonstration, and I'm blinded by the sunlight as my mother holds a fluffy slipper over my face threateningly.

"I'm getting up...ok..." I groan as I roll slowly out of bed, my feet making contact with the ground unsteadily as I sway on the spot.

"JISUNG! I CAN'T HEAR THE TAP RUNNING." My mother calls out from halfway down the stairs.

"So impatient," I mutter, rolling my eyes as I pointedly put the bathroom tap on full blast to wash my face.

A couple minutes later, I'm interrupted by Jeongin alerting me that Chan has arrived, with only a small blush adorning his face now rather than his previous tendency to freak out.

My baby brother is growing up.

Just then, my phone vibrates and I open it to see the cutest picture ever.

"Don't you say that about every picture he sends you?"

Great. Somehow, I always manage to say that out loud accidentally.

"I do not. Go fawn over Chan like you used to, I'm not used to the new side of you!" I cry in mock exasperation, failing to hide my smile as Jeongin giggles whole-heartedly.

"Oh, by the way - he's taking me out for dinner tonight."

"HE'S WHAT?!" I respond excitedly, but my brother has already booked it halfway down the hallway before I can confront him about his sudden announcement.

"Ji? You ready?" Chan's voice floats up the stairs, signaling it's too late for me to chase him for answers now.

You have a lot of explaining to do later Han Jeongin.

"Yeah, sorry!"

I fling my bag over my shoulder hastily, fixing my hair one last time before clambering down the stairs to where my friend stands impatiently, spinning his keys on his fingers.

Jeongin's lucky he didn't decide to come downstairs with me - I'm afraid he may have passed out because of how hot Chan looks today.

"Quit the staring, I'm blushing!" He teases and I roll my eyes at him.

"Who said I was staring?"

I prance out of my front door childishly, yelling a goodbye to my mother in the process and laughing as the automated hinges cause the door to almost hit Chan directly in the face.

I'm in such a good mood these days, it's refreshing.

"You gonna stay standing there cheesing all day, or are we gonna go drop you off?" Chan asks, amusement written all over his face as I glare playfully at him.

I do not feel like going to school today. There's only one person who makes school bearable for me and today is the day we don't have a single class together.

I might cry.

"Do you know why I hate Mondays, Chan?"

"Because you and Minho don't have a single class together. Not one. The teachers must hate you so much that they decided to disturb the orbit of the planets, explode the sun itself, destroy the very universe and ruin every single Monday of the year for you, because you do not have a single class on that day with the love of your life?"

"That's correct." I respond with a sigh, ignoring the fact that Chan hears the same thing from me every Monday to the point he has it memorized for me.

He smiles tiredly at me, reaching across to pat my head gently.

"Remember, you only have to survive for 6 hours of class and then you can enjoy your special afternoon. Don't let yourself get too down, ok?"

I smile grimly at him, appreciating his efforts to keep me optimistic all the same. I don't think I could have survived the last year without Chan's guidance.

In my final year of high school, he's still by my side like a candle that never goes out - never in my tiny little mind did I think becoming friends with Chan would mean acquiring a life-long friend, but I sure as hell don't regret the outcomes.

"Try to enjoy it!"

His voice still rings in my head as I'm in my final lesson of the day, a small reminder to stay positive since school is almost done for the day.

The bells rings as obnoxiously loud as always, and I shoot up from my seat as if my ass was suddenly in contact with a firecracker of some sort.

I ignore the looks of mild concern I receive in the hallways as I half run all the way to the school gates at the front. The only thing I care about now is what I get to be doing all afternoon.

"I missed you." An arm snakes around my waist suddenly, and I just about melt into the touch of the boy I've been itching to see all day.

I turn my head to face him, greeting him with a chaste kiss before asking excitedly, "Are you ready to go?"

He smiles fondly at me, chuckling at my hyped attitude. I swear, it doesn't matter how bad of a day I'm having - if Minho's in it, it's automatically the best day of my life.

It sounds funny to think about now, considering what I would have thought about him last year if he so much as existed in the same room as me.

"Let's go to our spot - I found a bus we can take if we run a little!"

I begin to run hand in hand with Lee Minho; blinking slowly in pure bliss as the spring breeze ruffles my uniform and tugs at my hair. We just make it onto the bus that takes us to the seaside, stumbling to the backseats while refusing to let go of each other.

I grin at my boyfriend as we both attempt to catch our breath.

"I love you." He says earnestly, staring deeply into my eyes.

All I see reflected in his own eyes is warmth, acceptance and genuine care.

"I love you too." I respond, smiling wider than I ever have before.

"Are you happy right now? I know Monday is your least favorite day - Chan told me all about the rant he listens to every morning."

And for once I can proudly say I've never been happier.



oh my god. it's really the end.

i'm so sad guys :(((

get ready to read the long ass rant in my ending comments </3

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