7: the chemistry project

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"What're you staring at?"

"See the thing is, I'm purposefully making my eyes go out of focus when I look at you. Wouldn't want any long term damage, ya feel?"

This absolute piece of bird shit.

Jisung and I are supposed to be going over the blocking of our first meeting scene - a very cliché one at that. I wish I could actually run Jisung over with my motorbike prop, rather than flip out at him for getting in my way.

Either way, I still get to yell at him, so I guess that's at least something I'll have no trouble doing - I could hardly consider it an act.

There are bigger problems at hand though, as Jinki saunters over to us after overhearing Jisung's smart ass remark.

"Now you've done it." I mutter, the boy simply sticking his tongue out at me like a toddler.

How irritating.

"Now what might you two be up to? Not bickering again, I hope?" He asks in a very disappointed tone.

I roll my eyes at him, but instead of frustrating him the way it should, he simply smiles knowingly.

"I was hoping we could move past this small hiccup, but I guess I will have to go to greater methods."

Jisung glances over at me, quickly averting his eyes as he realizes I'm staring right back. My stomach does nervous flips; I don't like the glint in Jinki's eyes...

"Since you're doing all your schoolwork on set while we film, I'm going to set you a fun little chemistry task. You two have to schedule at least one 'date' a week. During that time, I expect you to bond with each other, therefore creating some chemistry for your on-screen relationship."

Words of protest escape my mouth like a naturally developed reflex and I hear the same reaction to my left from Jisung.

Jinki simply waves a finger at us, smiling evilly as we fall silent once more.

"This is not up for negotiation! I'm not saying you have to act like a couple off screen! But they should be labelled as 'dates', since this will be all about developing your chemistry by getting to know more about each other. I'd get planning if I were you~"

As suddenly as he appeared, our menace of a director is back in his chair, looking way too damn pleased with himself.

I'd dearly love to strangle him.

Cautiously, I turn towards Jisung...and flinch spectacularly at the expression on his face. Not an ounce of sparkle remains in his eyes and I can't help but gawk at how easily it happened after just mentioning spending time with me.

I ignore the feeble pang that resonates through my worn out little heart; it's not important right now. What's important is organizing these 'dates'. If Jinki sees us getting along a few times, maybe he'll lift the punishment.

I bite my inner cheek, allowing my tiger to return to being a cat once more. Every fiber of my being right now is appalled by the sentence that's about to leave my mouth, but I'm desperate to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

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