14: what the hell?

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"Alrighty kids, let's get this show on the road! The first two episodes have really hit it off!"

Yep, you guessed it. Another morning of mine filled with memorizing lines and Jinki's over the top speeches. 

And of course, he has to be the one to remind me that last weekend was not in fact a nightmare. I actually saw myself on television, falling for Hab Jisung. I mean - Moon Yunseo. my character is merely falling for his.

Gosh, I shouldn't need to remind myself of this - I strongly dislike everything about my co-star. Very strongly.

While only two episodes of 'Love to Hate You' have aired so far, we've actually gotten quite far into the plot. So much so, that its beginning to concern me that Jisung and I haven't had to film any overly romantic scenes.

After Yunseo has his first run in with Minjun, he gushes about it to his best friend Lee Dohyun - played by Felix. As far as I'm aware, next few episodes are mainly little snippets of Yunseo and Dohyun going to classes, basically to provide more information about their characters and the bond they have with one another.

Then, Dohyun can't hold it in anymore, and he spills to Yunseo that he thinks he may have fallen for Minjun's best friend Park Yejun - played by Changbin. So then the plot mainly focuses on Yunseo and Dohyun giggling over their crushes in secret if they pass by them at school.

Soon enough, Minjun's side of the story starts to come through. He finds Yunseo very annoying - as he has some classes with him. The viewers find out that he's very aware of the stares Yunseo gives him, yet his thoughts on the matter are still unrevealed.

Yejun on the other hand is having an absolute gay crisis. If I could explain Changbin's character in a few words, it would be comedic relief. He's the character that cracks a joke in the middle of Minjun's badass lines, a tactic designed to make any watching giggle at Minjun's exasperation.

Every time Dohyun walks past, arm in arm with Yunseo, Yejun goes into a state of what can only be described as ultimate gay panic. This frustrates Minjun immensely, as he repeatedly tells Yejun he shouldn't be so whipped for a mere boy.

But Yejun can't help it.

He manages to approach Dohyun after he catches him finishing a painting in the art room... the painting is of Yejun. Dohyun meekly admits he has been admiring the boy, And Yejun is quick to reassure him his feelings aren't unrequited.

They have a few cute little scenes as their relationship begins to blossom in the limelight. The main ship however, Minseo as Jinki likes to call us, are going to frustrate the viewers in these episodes. I can only imagine my father yelling at the tv when they air, and begging me to spoil it for him.

Rumours begin spreading around the school that Minjun has a secret girlfriend from a different town. Desperate to escape these wild claims, Minjun blurts out one day that he is dating Yunseo, while a shocked Yunseo emerges from the crowd of students.

Minjun instantly regrets it, but he cannot take back what he's said, so he grabs Yunseo by the hand and pretends to "come clean" about their relationship.

The students, being high school students of course, want proof that Minseo are actually dating. Therefore, Minjun is forced to say that they go on dates every Friday evening. Later that day, Minjun does something quite out of character, and begs Yunseo to go along with his excuse, so as not to ruin his reputation.

After thinking it over (and consulting a very excited Dohyun), Yunseo agrees to their fake dating arrangement, but on the condition that Minjun stays true to his word about their weekly date. So after a few shy and awkward dates between the two, Minjun is slowly discovering he enjoys the sight of Yunseo flustered.

  But how far will he go? That's really what concerns me, since the most Jisung and I have had to act out are a few awkward knee brushes and hand holding.

Honestly, it's scarily similar to the dates Jinki's been forcing us to go on. They never get easier... though it's still early days. But I don't have much faith that we'll be warming up to one another any time soon.

"Minho? Miiiinhoooo? Are you listening?"

If takes me several moments to realize Jinki is directly calling me. Was it that obvious I spaced out?

I flash him a sheepish smile, but he still seems rather annoyed, responding with, "I guess icll repeat that, just for Mr. lee here. maybe he's too overjoyed."

I don't like the mischievous undertone in that sentence, so I brace myself for whatever news I'm about to hear next.

"Our next scene we'll be filming is a very romantic evening between the two, ending with a drunken kiss that only Minjun remembers. I'll give you a week to practise with each other - I can't have any awkwardness between you apart from the emotions of the scene. Now as for dojun, you guys will..."

Jinki continues giving instructions, but I've gone temporarily deaf. Blood rushes to my head drowning out everything else.

Kiss. Kiss him jisung...he wants us to-

"Minho ? You good bro?"

Changbin gently shakes my shoulder in an attempt to pull me out of my thoughts. He and I have become better acquainted after having to act as best friends, so I guess I'd call him neutral ground between Jisung and I.

Ugh, why do I somehow relate everything back to that fool? Something's messing with my head.

"Huh? Yeah ... yeah I'm fine." I finally manage to respond to Changbin, but he still looks rather concerned about me.

I decide to look over where Jisung is standing, and am met with the sight of a squirrel with it's eyes widened in pure horror, frantically mumbling something to felix.

Ha Jisung, for once you and I are on the same page.



omg? an update that wasn't several weeks after the previous chapter??

i hope this isn't too boring or slow for you guys, i promise it's going somewhere!!

how's your day been today?

and happy pride!! <3

question: tell me your sexuality, gender identity and pronouns!!

my answer: unlabelled (i gave up lol), she/her !

i hope everyone knows that you are all valid and special and you should all be immensely proud of who you are! i love you all!!

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