22: fan service

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"You nervous?" Changbin questions as I walk over to stand beside him in front of the company van.

"A bit." I respond, shocking myself with the honesty that springs from my mouth before I can stop it.

Since when do I just say the first thing that comes to mind?

Shaking it off, I feel strangely comforted by the fact that he doesn't say anything further; simply giving me a reassuring pat on the back as he steps past me into the van to take his seat. After sighing softly, I follow him through towards the back where I know Jisung will be chatting Felix's ear off.

Not that Felix minds, those two are always blabbering about this and that - it's a wonder their tongues don't fall out of their mouths from pure overuse.

"Jisung." I pinch the bridge of my nose, sighing once again at what I have to do. "Jinki said we have to sit next to each other to revise what we're going to say. We only have a twenty minute drive to go over everything, so he said this way we can make it count."

Please say no, please say no, please say n-

"Sure." He responds with a forced smile.

I want to hit myself.

Felix giggles quietly before Jisung tells him to shut up and 'go find his lover boy', causing the latter to blush, slowly making his way towards where Changbin has sat with an unreadable expression.

Jisung turns to look out of the window, sighing dramatically again upon finding nothing interesting enough to divert his attention from the current situation we've been put in - our very first cast interview.

As I sit down next to Jisung, I make sure to create a very friendly distance between us so that there is no opportunity for an accidental brush of hands or legs or anything that could remind either him or myself of our actions over the past few days.

"I have the script." I say disdainfully, wishing I was listening to my music in a seat as far away from my co-star as possible.

"Alright." He replies, finally shifting his gaze from the unsatisfactory scenery.

Somehow, the idiot ends up misjudging the amount of space between him and I, and even after all of my very meticulous and careful positioning... he manages to ruin everything within a single second. I look up from the script booklet to be met with his rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes that are much closer in proximity than I expected.

Before I can fully realize the lack of space between our faces, we end up bumping foreheads briefly, before Jisung pulls away instantaneously as if receiving an electric shock from a power outlet.

Am I really that unbearable?

Wait. Why do I care? No, I cannot allow myself to care about how he feels, or I'll spiral further and further into the bottomless pit; the black hole of chaos.

Clearing my throat, I decide to pretend like nothing has happened, even though I'm convinced my cheeks are somehow even redder than Jisung's. I congratulate myself mentally when my hands don't shake as I flip through the script booklet again, before we engage in a very awkward discussion.

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