31: getting along?

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Today is the first day on set I've ever felt genuinely happy.

The second I walk through those doors, Minho is there to greet me with a soft smile; offering his hand out for me to take.

His grasp is gentle, yet safe, as if he's protecting me from the entire world.

This must be a dream, right?

I mean... since when was I such a sap?! I can't bear being inside my own head at this point, since all it's doing is screaming Minho Minho Minho at all hours of the day.

I try to take my mind off of the fact that my co-star and I are holding hands and walking the corridors, which includes ignoring Jinki's cry of surprise as we pass him.

Minho hums happily, a different sort of smile decorating his face than the one he usually wears. It suits him, actually.

There I go again, thinking about him too much.

This is unhealthy, like I guarantee there is no way that Minho is mentally screaming over the fact that we're holding hands...





Yeah... that would be so out of character for him.

It makes me wonder whether I could ever see Minho genuinely excited over anything, given the boy seems to have a very limited range of emotions.

I don't think I've ever seen him jump for joy.

Although on the flipside, I don't think anyone physically jumps for joy like I do...

Sometimes I seriously think I should seek professional help.

We enter the practice room amidst my flurry of disconnected thoughts, and my eyes immediately find my best friends standing the corner, giggling with each other.

Their heads turn simultaneously at the sound of the heavy door shutting with a loud click behind us, and I receive two very smug smirks.

"Piss off! " I mouth furiously at them, trying to turn so that Minho won't see me.

"Someone feeling shy?" He asks, my shoulders slumping at my obviously failed attempt.

"Not possible," I grumble back at him, though I don't even believe myself.

I look up and realize that Minho has steered us straight over to my favorite pair of idiots, who are still cackling at my demise.

"Oh shut up," I snap at them jokingly, before whispering to Felix, "Because you know who I could be teasing you about right now..."

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