9: just pretend

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My stomach churns as Chan drops me off at the front of the now familiar entertainment studio. Today is the first proper day of filming and to say I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century.

Between last night and this morning, I've been going over my lines at least a thousand times...and yet I swear I'll make a thousand mistakes or more. I don't need to give Minho another reason to smirk at me with that mocking smile of his.

As I make my way down the hallway, I sense a presence next to me all of a sudden. Turning slightly to my right, I just about jump out of my skin as I see our director walking silently beside me.

Upon realizing I've noticed him, he chuckles slightly at my obvious shock.

"I saw you walk in and thought you may forget where the set room is, since we're in a different place than we have been in the past. Don't worry, I don't bite!" he jokes, and I suppress an eye roll.

With jokes like that, this man must have children, or nieces and nephews. No one makes worse jokes than a father or an uncle.

"Thanks..." I respond awkwardly, unsure of what to say in response.

And so we carry along walking down the endless maze of corridors, similar to that of a rabbit warren. A silence settles in between us, not too deafening but certainly awkward in many aspects.

I barely have time to be concerned over the lack of conversation though, as Jinki breaks it soon enough.

"So, have you and Minho organized anything yet? I do hope you take my little assignment seriously - it's going to benefit the both of you more than you think."

I sigh internally, bracing myself for the snide comment that's bound to follow my reply.

"Uh...yeah we actually hung out yesterday-"

As expected, my sentence is immediately cut off as Jinki gasps, clasping his hands together with a pleased expression on his face.

"See, and I bet it wasn't nearly as bad as you expected, right?"

No. It was worse.

"Yeah..." I grit my teeth as the lie escapes from me, way too easily.

But at least this seems to please him further; a slight spring in his step now as we finally approach the door to the set room. I nod to Jinki one last time before heading over to where Changbin and Felix stand, joining the rest of my fellow cast members.

The directing crew immediately engage in a last minute discussion upon our arrival, but before I can say anything to my friends beside me, a staff member calls everyone to pay attention. We then stand, staring at the different props and multiple cameras positioned around the room, as our bubbly director explains the plans for today.

First, a tour of the current room we're in - used for special scenes before we go to our first set location.

I try my hardest to focus as several members of the filming crew explain the shooting process and the names of the different cameras for future directions, ignoring the swarm of butterflies in my stomach that seems to grow by the minute.

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