6: fake it 'till you make it

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"And he would not stop staring at me! Like, what even goes on in that boy's mind? One minute, he's rude to me; the next he's trying to make casual conversation. Is he expecting me to just go along with it-?"

Felix and Changbin share a not-so-subtle glance and I stop my rant abruptly. I give them a sheepish smile as I notice both their eyes on me, and scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Sorry...too much Minho talk, right? I hate him, he doesn't even deserve to be talked about, let's change the topic! How'd you guys find your scripts so fa-"

Changbin cuts me off before I can properly divert their attention to a different subject, Felix's eyes twinkling mischievously in approval.

"No no, keep telling us about how much you hate Lee Minho. It's very obvious given he's been the subject of our conversation for the past forty minutes." Changbin flashes me a shit-eating grin and I want to smack him.

But I've heard smacking people in public places, especially the McDonald's booth we're currently sitting in, doesn't really go down well with the general public, nor the staff. So I refrain myself from doing so, focusing instead on the bottle of ketchup sitting in front of me, sighing deeply.

"I'm serious! Plus, I need your advice - how on earth am I supposed to act like I'm falling in love with the rudest boy in the whole damn universe?! I honestly think they should choose someone else for my role... I don't think I can pull this off, Oscar-worthy acting skills or not."

"Look," Felix begins, seeking a nod of approval from Changbin before continuing with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "I understand you really don't like him and there's nothing you can do to change that! But I think, if you're somehow able to separate Minho's character from Minho himself, you can fall in love with the character, without seeing him as Minho... if that makes any sense."

My mind whirs as I comprehend what Felix has just said. Falling in love with a fictional character can't be that hard, right? I mean, it's not like there'll be any consequences from it - the only consequence that came from falling for Sailor Moon when was I was younger, was the fact that she doesn't exist.

Felix may be onto something.

Changbin makes a noise of surprise, seemingly remembering something important.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys! I spoke with the director briefly about the plot of the drama and he mentioned something about an adaptation! I think it's originally a comic book! If we can find the book, Jisung can read it to understand Minho's character better. That might make things easier?"

"Found it!"

Felix - who started typing away furiously on his phone the minute Changbin spoke - is now holding it in front of my face, the title of the comic book displayed on the screen, along with a list of libraries to borrow it from.

'Love to hate you.'

"The public library is about 10 minutes walk away from here...we could go and get it now?" I say slowly, but my newfound friends are already finishing up their food, preparing to go on an adventure to find the book.

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