11: indifference

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A rather unwelcome warmth bathes my sleeping form, signifying the start of yet another day.

Another day of filming with the world's most pompous dickhead, Lee Minho.

But I remember last night, the talk we had. How he was so... nice? Surely it must've been a dream... surely it wasn't real?

I fumble around, knocking items left and right off of my bedside table until my hand clasps around my phone. Sighing in frustration, it takes me way too long to punch in my passcode, probably due to the fact that I've literally just woken up.

As I click on our chat, what I see doesn't make sense. There's nothing there...

But I swear I saw the very first message he sent flicker there for a second before disappearing, as if he deleted the entire conversation.

Of course he would. He was probably faking the whole nice guy act.

At this point, I don't care what excuse he comes up with, I'm not going to waste my energy on someone like him. I have Chan and Jeongin and even Felix and Changbin now, I don't need him at all.

So why do I care?

I push all thoughts of Minho to the back of my mind as I prepare myself for the day, rushing out the door to Chan's car and giving my brother a mischievous wink as I spot him by the window as always.

"I often see your brother at the window there, just staring. Is he just shy around me? I wanna say hi to him but he never comes out to talk." Chan pouts, while I giggle mentally.

How do I explain this to him?

"Uh... yeah, he's a very odd kid... probably just scared of you cause you're taller than him." I lie, making note to apologize to my younger brother later.

"But you guys have known me forever! If he ever wants to talk, I don't bite y'know."

"Well there was that one time..."


The car fills with laughter as we both relive the past, and I'm glad that I haven't given up yet. I'm getting to see Chan a lot more than I have in a long time - I'd really missed him. And these car rides on the way to hell are the only things I look forward to, a mental break before I have to face the wicked.

As I say goodbye to chan, I stick my tongue out at him like a two year old, causing him to raise his eyebrows in amusement before driving off.


I whip my head around and see Felix getting out of his car, giggling at the shocked expression I must be wearing.

"Lix! Good morning!"

"It certainly is a good morning, after seeing that kind of show. Was that your brother?" He asks, eyes glistening mischievously.

"Nope, a childhood friend. And thanks, I do in fact pride myself on my entertainment skills." I laugh, sticking my tongue out at him as a reenactment.

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