1: you're going to be late!

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"HAN JISUNG! You will get up this instant before you're late! I've already told Chan to pick you up at 7:30 on the dot! We can't be mucking around today!"

I groan as the linen curtains surrounding my window are aggressively yanked across, allowing the soft morning sunshine to seep through. Today shouldn't be different from any other day, really... unless you have a mother like mine.

Upon discovering my love for acting as a small, five-year-old boy, she made it known that I have to make it big, otherwise I might as well consider myself a failure. It doesn't help that my fifteen-year-old brother Jeongin is currently on his way to becoming a world famous pianist.

As if there isn't already pressure to be famous, my brother has to go be an angel in my parents' eyes.

They always favor him over me, and yet he's the sweetest younger brother I could ever ask for - I really can't hold it against him. It's not his fault he's bloody perfect.


"That would be nice," I mutter as I drag myself to the bathroom to get ready.

Barely even two minutes goes by before Jeongin sprints into the bathroom, signaling that Chan has arrived. My brother has the biggest crush on him but only I know, so whenever Chan comes to pick me up, I pretend like I don't notice the way Jeongin flies towards the nearest window like a moth to a flame.

My stomach does a small flip at the thought of actually going to the set; it's only just sinking in that I'm going to be in a drama. A real drama, airing on television.

And if that isn't scary enough, it's a BL drama, meaning my on-screen partner is going to be a guy! Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not homophobic. I'm part of the fruit bowl myself - it's so obvious I'm gay that I never even had to come out, because everyone already knew.

The scary part is the fact that my classmates can watch it. My teachers can watch it. It could fall into the hands of online trolls...and I am so not prepared to face hate comments - I'm only sixteen! Plus, it could make everything awkward at school-


Snapping myself out of my panicked thoughts, I shout back that I'm coming, grabbing my small backpack and the lanyard that the production company gave me. I throw the lanyard around my neck, before kissing my mother on the cheek and race outside to where Chan is waiting in the car.

"Why hello there, Mr. Han. Where abouts are we headed on this fine morn-"

"Just drive me there, idiot. I'm nervous enough as it is!" I sigh, rolling my eyes at his childish behavior.

I've know Chan since I was in kindergarten, because his mom is best friends with mine. He's three years older than me and even so, I swear I'm the more mature out of us two.

I don't really understand what Jeongin sees in him, but I won't judge - at least Chan got lucky with his looks. I often feel like a peasant that's somehow managed to befriend a fallen angel, and given the way girls and boys alike flock towards him, I'd say that's a pretty accurate comparison.

"Lost in thought, Ji?" He asks me, taking a peek through the rear view mirror as we stop at a set of lights. Chan never lets anyone sit in the front. Well, it's not that he forbids it, it's more like we can't fit in there because that's where he keeps his producing equipment.

My friend has quite the career ahead of him, if I do say so myself - he's already known locally for his amazing songwriting and producing for popular artists.

He treats his laptop like a child, even a single glance towards the thing will have him foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, just daring you to touch it and find out what happens.

I'm being dramatic of course, I mean hello? I'm literally an actor? But seriously, touch Chan's laptop and you're D-E-A-D.

We begin to converse more about normal stuff, and I feel myself relax a little. I'm definitely grateful that Chan drives me most places, because if my mother was driving me I would have to sit through lecture after lecture, and I'd be way more nervous right now.

Chan pulls up outside the ominous looking building, where I'll meet the rest of the cast members. I don't think I'm nervous anymore. We step outside of the car.

Nevermind, I think I'm going to throw up.

Chan seems to sense this, as he throws a comforting arm around my shoulder, gently steering me towards the entrance of the building.

"Today is just an introduction, they said. You won't have to do any acting, so there's nothing to stress about. I'm sure your co-workers will be amazing actors to work with." He says reassuringly, smiling proudly at me.

Pfft, this is probably his "proud dad" moment. I mean, he did go through a phase where he called me his son...for some reason.

We step inside the building and some important looking people rush over to direct us to the right room. It's then that it really sinks in - I'm the main character. I can't escape getting attention today, even if I try my hardest to be invisible.

Since I have the lead role, the attention will inevitably be on me and my on-screen boyfriend whether we like it or not.

Ugh, social skills - why don't we get a handbook on this shit?

Chan leaves me at the door and I panic internally before telling myself to snap out of it.

I'm. An. Actor.

If I can't fool the people I'm about to meet that I'm completely in control and laidback, I certainly won't do well in this drama. Displaying the complete opposite of how I feel on the inside, I hold my head up proudly and walk into the room, finding a chair that has my name on the back of it.


I'm the first one here it seems, as I overheard the conversation two of the managers were having and it seems my costar is running late. I guess we're supposed to meet for a little bit before we talk to the rest of our cast members.

Suddenly, there's voices in the hallway and I accidentally let one of the butterflies out of the cage I built. It flutters around in my stomach excitedly, and I have to fight to put in back in, taking a deep breath as the door opens.

And through it, walks the prettiest boy I've ever seen.

This is going to be harder than I thought.


𝗰𝘂𝘁! minsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora