8: do you want this or not?

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"Do you want this role, or not?!" I almost yell in frustration, restraining the volume in my voice.

Yet he gives me nothing but a cold glare in return, continuing to ignore me as he flips through his notes.

I can't believe he's doing this to me.

Han Jisung is really giving me the silent treatment right now, similar to the way a toddler would sulk over not getting the teddy they wanted in every second toy shop they entered. I don't understand what the universe thought when putting me with this idiot, but I know I'm certainly struggling to live, love, laugh in these conditions.

All I did was suggest that we try and get along, or at least seem to. Why is that so bad, if it's going to make Jinki lift his punishment? It's almost like he wants these "dates" to continue to be a regular thing.

He couldn't...right?

God Minho, what the hell are you thinking?

"Oi, what's the long face for, Ji?"

We must've started break while I spaced out in frustration, for when I turn around, Changbin and Felix are already dragging Jisung away to grab hot food from the downstairs cafeteria.

Great, there goes my chance to talk to him again.

Yet I fail to notice a certain someone has stayed behind, waiting for me.

"Well, aren't you coming? You don't have anyone to sit with!" Felix giggles from the doorway as I whip my head around in confusion.

"Oh well-, I... I really don't think jisung would appreciate-"

"Oh don't worry about Ji right now! Binnie and him have gone to grab food, so I thought I'd get a second opinion on...whatever mess you guys managed to get yourselves into. Even if you don't want to sit with us - we can walk and talk, come along now."

Without even giving me the chance to agree, Felix grasps my hand gently yet firmly, steering us in the direction of the stairs.

"Hey- we're not taking the elevator?"

He rolls, his eyes at this; his expression screaming annoyance while he plasters a sarcastic smile on his face. I'll admit, it's a little terrifying, even though I'm slightly taller than him.

"No, we're not dummy. You should always take the stairs - it's healthier 'cause you get more exercise! Plus, it'll buy us a little more time before we have to see the other two again."

I huff at his logic, but comply regardless, too scared to find out what will happen if I go against this intimidating ball of sunshine.

"So..." He starts off, as I still haven't said a word by the time we reach the top of the stairs.

"What exactly makes you hate Jisung so much?"

Oh. I can't answer this honestly, there's no way he'd understand.

"I... he just irritates me."

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