Crystal nodded her head (well, sort of. I was kinda sucking the life outta her) and I let go. She fell into a crumpled heap on the floor.

As she tried to stand up, I took the earrings and left saying, "I'm borrowing these by the way."

When I was in the creme and brown hallway, I wondered what else happened while I was gone. So far, Crystal had changed someone. But what else? Did this new vampire kill loads of people? Do the Cullens know?

From now on, I will take shorter breaks and I will not keep my newborns unsupervised because all this is causing unnecessary drama.

I don't want to go down that road again.


I got a phone call from Bella. She said that "I should come over immediately". I wonder what's up now.


I arrived in three minutes flat. As I walked into the house and was greeted by glares and stares. There were more vampires than before. There was Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and three others. Two were blonde, the other brunette.

"Hello Brooke. These are Rosalie, Alice and Jasper." Carlisle said and pointed each one out respectively.

Rosalie run a full body scan, and seemed to approve. Hmm... blonde, dresses well, mean look on her face... We will definately get along. Alice walked over to me and hugged me. I was taken by surprise. This was another Cullen I would along with. Jasper stood there very still, and simply nodded. Cold. But not as bad as Edward.

"Big family." I commented.

"We believe in 'the more, the merrier'." Carlisle said with a smile.

"Or 'safety in numbers'." Edward directed at me.

I rolled my eyes. He's still not over that? I mean, he's the one who attacked me. If anyone should be holding a grudge, it should be moi.

Edward glared at me (more so than before) and then I realised that I forgot to put my shield up! Stupid mindreaders. Well, it comes in handy for me and my allies, but my enemies... not so much.

I turned to Bella. "So, what's up?"

"We wanted to make a deal with you regarding the matter that happened a few days ago." Carlisle answered instead.

I guessed that they had prepared before that he would be the one speaking for them. Probably didn't want a recap of what happened last time. But it was fun...

"Um... which was...?" I asked.

"The newborn?" Edward prompted.

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