"Mine is so long." Tommy complained.

"Yo, mine's pretty dope so far." Ranboo said, a smile lacing his tone.

"Mine is apart of a series." Will said as he leaned back in his chair.


"Mine is a Harry Styles one." Caroline said, an obvious smile lacing her tone.

"It's a long one, i figured you'd appreciate that." I replied.

"I do, thank you."


Some time passed and Tommy had cringed a lot. Tubbo has awed so many times. Will has laughed from time to time, but has thanked the author many times for this story. Ranboo is on the last few chapters and has criticized himself. Asterin has screamed seven times so far. Ive had to keep both of my hands on my phone for a few chapters so far. It seems as if everyone is happy.

"NO! NO THIS PERSON IS SO RIGHT! THIS AUTHOR IS SO RIGHT AS TO HOW I WOULD ASK OUT A FEMALE! Youre my girlfriend now. I WOULD DO THAT TOO!" Tommy yelled, laughing his ass off. I smiled and shook my head.

"Im not gonna lie guys, i wish this Daytona character was real."

"I just finished mine. It was a decent story, im not gonna lie. Would I read it on my own time? No. Would I read it again on another stream like this? Yes. My character is portrayed well but its also different from me if that makes sense. Those social skills i had, they fucking dont exist beyond this group of people. All in all though i really liked it." Ranboo rambled. I was goad he liked the story I chose.

"So because Izzy picked an unfinished one for mine, i genuinely like the storyline so far. I like how it shows the present time and me telling Skylar the story. It's simply really well written and I love it so far. Thank you for writing it, gogywhip4000." Wilbur said.

"Okay, Falling Like the Stars is dope. It's like accurate but not really. It has so many aspects to it and I like it a lot. There were some triggering topics, but it was a good read."

"So mine was hard ti read, well because dyslexia. I genuinely enjoyed what i read of it. I gave uo after a while but it's such a good book for what I read. I loved it." Tubbo said with a smile.

"I will be finishing mine off stream." Asterin said quietly.

"And I know what Asterin is reading. Care, how did i do for you?"

"Shh, i'm reading." Was the only response i got. I laughed and decided to end stream. Everyone bid a goodbye as i ended stream.

"Will, can you make me soup?" I asked, curling my knees into my chest. I genuinely felt bad during stream but hid it well.

"Yeah, of course. Goodbye, everyone." He said before disconnecting.

"I gotta go, Asher is done practice. Bye everyone!" Asterin yelled before leaving. Caroline bid a goodbye, leaving as well. It was just me, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy.

"Tom, i have to talk to Iz. Could you leave call please?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Tommy said before disconnecting. I put in headphones before telling then we could talk.

"Hello boys! What's up?"

"Hey, Izzy, this is my best friend. I've heard exactly how you make him feel, so please do not hurt him." Tubbo said nicely, his face giving away that he was in no way trying to be mean.

"Tubbo, i really like him. I wouldn't ever dream of being with anyone else. Ive like him a lifetime and used people to try and get over him. Im not gonna hurt him, i promise. I just feel like his feelings aren't matching mine anymore."

"Howcome?" Ranboo asked.

"He just- Our friendship has always been cuddly and like relationship looking. What if thats all it is? Just a friendship?"

"Sorry, had to attend to motherboo. I am back. What's the problem? What all has Tubbo said?"Ranboo said, unmuting himself.

"I actually said everything, turns out it was fine. But she has some thoughts about Tommy not liking her."

"Hey, Ranboo."

"Hey, Izzyglizzy, I'm not always so serious as you just saw, but Tommy really frickin loves you. Just kinda gotta trust me on that one, okay? He has time and time again shown it through not only his actions but his words. Especially when you aren't around. I remember one time Tubbo, Asterin, and I were trying to prank Tommy by talking bad on you. Like not actually of course, we love you, but as a prank on him we did during a recording once. He was so quick on the defense and he only had come back for a few seconds. I don't think he talked to us for a good two hours that night." Ranboo explained. I smiled as a lot of realization hit me.

"Well that explains why Asterin came crying and apologizing to me, thinking she lost me as a friend." I said with a laugh.

"Hey, love! I come baring soup! Let me in!" Tommy said. I told him he could come in and so he did. He set the soup on my desk and kissed my forehead. I stood up and he sat in the chair, pulling me down on his lap.

"Tommy there now?" Tubbo asked politely.

"I have headphones on, but yes." I replied.

"Just, you have to trust me on it, Izzy. He may just be waiting for the perfect time." Ranboo said. It made sense, he'd always been one to wait for the right time for things.

I looked back at him with a smile. If im being honest, even if were never official im glad i get to call him my best friend.

All These Years || Tommyinnit ✔️Where stories live. Discover now