Energon Keeper

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        It was just another day in the life of Kairi Murphy. I was an average girl in an average school doing boring homework so close to graduation. But for me, everything in my life was about to change.

"Mom where's my backpack I'm late for graduation practice?!" I yelled from up stairs as I quickly searched my room while putting my shoes on at the same time.

"It's by the door where you left it honey!" my mother yelled back while sipping on coffee in a chair as she watched the latest news on the TV.

I rushed down the stairs and whipped by the kitchen counter grabbing a pop tart as I skipped past my mom and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Bye mom, see you after practice, luv ya" I said.

        I raced out the door to my bright red Pontiac firebird I got for my birthday last year. My long brown hair swaying as I swirled around and plopped in the driver's seat of the car. A small strand of braided red and blue highlights fell in front of my face as I put the key in the ignition. My deep blue eyes sparkled with excitement as I put the car in drive and headed down the road towards the school, unaware of what would happen after graduation that would change my life forever.

Chapter 1

        I arrived at the school and leaped out of my car, already a little late, I was in a hurry to get there before I was missed. I was wearing a brown shirt that said, 'Respect your Mother' on it and then had a picture of the planet earth underneath the word mother. I had on a pair of dark blue jeans and some brown boots.

        I slid into the auditorium the sat down quickly beside my friend Jack who was graduating this year as well. "You're late" he said with a half smile as he looked at me. "I know woke up late stupid alarm clock didn't go off." I said smiling back breathing a little hard due to all the running I had been doing to get there.        

        We sat and listened to the principle and teachers talk about what was going to happen the next day at graduation and when it was all over we got up and walked out towards our cars. When I looked up I noticed that Jacks motorcycle was parked beside my car which hadn't been there when I got there or at least I hadn't noticed because I was in such a rush. "You ready to graduate?" he said as we walked to our vehicles.

        "Yea I'm ready to be done with homework and all the stress of school period. Are you?" I asked him. "Oh Yea I'll have more time to spend with my friends" he said and kind of looked towards his bike but I hadn't really noticed it at the time.

        We gave each other a hug and said our goodbyes until graduation tomorrow and I got in my car and headed back home. As I got home and went up to my room after saying my hellos and goodnights to my mom and dad I changed into some pj's and plopped down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling as I drifted off to sleep ready to face the day that was waiting on me when I woke up.

Chapter 2

        I arrived at the school with my parents and we walked towards the auditorium for the graduation ceremony. We took pictures outside with friends and family as we smiled and cried together, it never crossed my mind that this would be the last time I saw a lot of the people I cared about in my life.

         Jack walked up to me and we took a picture together and then we turned to each other and smiled. "Ready?" he asked as he held his arm out as if escorting me.

        "Oh Yea!" I said with a big grin on my face as I looped my arm inside his and we walked inside and took our seats.

        The ceremony took around two hours being how large our class was. When we finished we all tossed our caps in the air signifying the end of our school years. Jack and I walked out together and walked up to our parents and we hugged and cried some more and we said our goodbyes and I left with my parents as we headed out to celebrate with a dinner and afterward we went home. As I walked in the house I went straight upstairs and landed on my bed as I sighed because of the relief I felt that it was all over. Unknown to me I fell asleep unaware of what was going on right outside my house.

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