Chapter 8: Prymkox's Revenge

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Reyan's Pov:

She looked so beautiful as he watched her from his seat, she was chatting with Adam, Darya and her brother. Her green eyes glinstering in the morning light of Altea, just simply killing time until they knew their orders. Despite the situation they were so suddenly placed in, she made it somehow brighter for him, even if she wasn't giving him any form of attention. Reyan's heart was hurting as he know that Luri didn't want to be with him but despite that he still loved her. He would never admit it to anyone but himself but he had loved her for years. All of his relationships after he met her failed, he was searching for the girl he couldn't have and none of the girls he was with filled that void that she left. He was frustrated because how could he be so madly in love with someone whom he never even dated?
"You know love is timeless," Cassie said softly as she sat down besides him. Her purple eyes filled with warmth and kindness.
"What are you talking about?" Reyan asked her, but he already knew that she had seen him stare at Luri.
"She's my cousin, I know her," Cassie said, "and I happen to have regular tea parties with her brother who is quite the gossiper himself."
"Cass, what's the point?" Reyan asked her and she simply chuckled.
"Oh, you've convinced yourself she doesn't want you," Cassie sighed and placed a strand if her pink hair behind her ear, "she likes you back."
"What? You're insane!" Reyan said and folded his arms as he quickly glanced upon Luri who was teasing her brother, "I don't think she does.. she wouldn't have walked away the first time if she did."
"Oh, quiznak, Reyan," Cassie grunted, "she is literally the female version of her father of course she would deny it at first."
"What are you talking about? Keith's happily married to Maisey," Reyan frowned confused, "they are the It couple and everything."
"Yeah, but the first time he walked away from her, at the Kral Zera," Cassie said.
"What?!" Reyan asked confused.
"Oh the next time I'm going over to aunt Maisey I'm taking you with me," Cassie said and chuckled, "I know all of their stories."
"That's pretty cool," Reyan said, "but that still doesn't explain why Keith walking away from Maisey has anything to do with me and Luri."
"Sure does," Cassie said, "Luri puts a wall up, just like Keith. Maisey admitted that she had feelings for him when he was about to depart for the Blades, the next time they saw each other he told her that they couldn't be together. It quite literally took him two years and the help of my mother and his own mother to make him realise that he was in fact in love with her.. For Maisey it was only a month, you see he realised it on his mission to the quantum abyss, time works a little different there. After that he admitted that he wanted to be with her and well.. Maisey got kind of angry at everybody and they had to fight Lotor, who she also had a thing with I believe."
"Cass, you're adding twentythree different side stories right now," Reyan smiled as the girl frowned.
"Right, sorry," Cassie laughed, "anyway, my point is that she just needs some time to allow herself to have feelings for you but I can assure you that they're there."
"How can you assure me on that matter?" Reyan asked her.
"Paul told me," Cassie said.
"Paul? The space artist?" Reyan asked, "the guy who hasn't mentioned his girlfriend once since we left because he's secretly in love with his best friend? Not sure if that's a reliable source Cass."
"You are both right," Darya suddenly spoke. Reyan and Cassie shot up and looked over at the yellow paladin who had clearly left her conversation with the other Paladins.
"Pardon me?" Cassie asked Darya.
"Paul's in love with Erity and Luri's in love with you," Darya said as she pointed at Reyan, "it's so obvious.. Adam and I even have a bet."
"A bet?" Cassie asked.
"Yes, a bet?" Reyan asked the yellow paladin confused.
"I bet that you and Luri will happen sooner then Paul and Erity and Adam bets on Paul and Erity happening sooner," Darya said, "his only reason is because the two have known each other forever, but I know that Paul's mind works slower when it comes to love so I have no doubts."
"Oh, I want to join on that bet!" Cassie said excited.
"What?!" Reyan shouted, "we're not betting on anyone!"
"Oh calm down Reyan," Darya laughed, "it's in your favor!"
"No, you're putting me under pressure," Reyan scoffed, "I must say that now with you two I'm really feeling like a part of this team."
"Why's that?" Darya asked him confused.
"You two are the most accepting from the whole bunch," Reyan said, "I just don't feel very welcomed yet with the others, I don't have the history like you all do.. I'm the outsider."
"You could've said something," Cassie said softly, "I'll plan a team bonding event for us then, you are a part of this team, Reyan."
"Yeah, just chat with us for a while and then we'll work you up to the popular ones of the voltron family," Darya laughed, "what? You don't think you're the only outsider right? Cassie's the oldest and I'm the youngest. They're all around the same age so obviously we struggled with being a part of this voltron family as well.. Besides, you're a paladin of voltron now, you're a part of this family now too."
"Thanks," Reyan said and smiled, "so how's your love life? Now that you know all about mine."
"Oh, mine doesn't exist, I was way too busy with worrying about my grades and my career to even think about love," Darya said, "but I'm seventeen, I have no rush."
"That's right," Reyan said, "grades before grapes."
"What?" The two girls asked him confused and he frowned.
"I don't know either," Reyan shrugged, "but no rush Darya, you're young.. You'll meet someone one day that is worthy of your love, but Cass.. what about you?"
"I had it great," Cassie said, "met someone when I started working in the Castle, fell in love, got married.. We both desperately wanted to have kids of our own. Discovered that I can't have children, he wasn't open for adoption and we got divorced and now he's remarried and has a child of his own like he always wanted."
"What a quiznaking piece of shit," Reyan said, "you deserve better than that, I might not know you that well yet Cass, but I can tell that you're great and deserve all the happiness in the universe.. As do you Darya."
"You're a real sweetheart under all that sarcasm and bad jokes aren't you?" Darya chuckled.
"Your parents raised you well," Cassie smiled.
"My dad did, didn't want me to turn out like him when he was younger," Reyan said, "he, er, told me that one of his biggest regrets was how he treated girls, including Maisey, especially Maisey when he was younger, he wanted to make sure that I would always have respect for the girls I'm with. My mother hardly raised me, she's a cold woman, cheated on my dad and made me keep it a secret for years 'wouldn't want the family to fall apart now, would we Reyan?' she'd say. At some point I couldn't take it anymore and told him. They got divorced, my mother blamed me and never spoke to me again. Dad got married several times after my mother and all of them were just awful. So my dad attempted to raise me properly."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Cassie said amd Reyan shrugged it off.

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