Chapter 10: Goner

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Cassie's pov:

Cassie was no warrior. No fighter. Yet she came along in the Black Lion when they were on their way to rescue her sister. Bandor had to stay at the Castle and make sure it was being protected but Cassie had to come.
Adam and Coryza had managed to gather the team back together and not much later after Reyan and Luri's fight the two joined again, yet both were extremely quiet. Voltron had gone to a system near Olkarion's former system where several Balmera's were under attack by one of the Princesses and the Renewed Fire Of Purification. Soon they learned that the Princess that was in charge of these attacks was princess Mazari, who was already farmiliar with Paul and was also the one holding Adamari hostage.
The new team Voltron had managed to form voltron, thanks to Reyan's outburst the team grew surprisingly closer to one another and so they managed to form voltron and join the fight. They were still a little rusty and Erity had some trouble taking the lead, Cassie knew that she had this desire to live up to her father but she wasn't Shiro.
"We're in," Erity said, "everyone disband, Luri and Adam give Cassie backup in Mazari's ship and the rest stays with me for defense. As soon as Adamari is retrieved we're ending this battle and free the Balmera's."
"Yay!" Darya said excited. Darya was desperate to help the Balmerans.
Cassie took a deep breath as she prepared herself to get into that ship, she was glad to have Adam and Luri with her, Adam was extremely smart and Luri knew how to win a fight.
"Cas," she heard through her communicator.
"Yes?" Cassie asked her little brother.
"Bring Ada back," he said softly.
"I will," she said and with that she jumped out of the Black Lion's beak and into the enemies ship.
"It won't be long and this place will be crawled with sentries," Adam said looking at the footage of the ship on the little screen om his wrist.
"Sentries like the Galra ones?" Luri asked him as she held her axes up. Luri unlike all the other Paladins was a master with weapons and already learned how to change her bayards weaponry choice, clearly living up to her name Allura who was also good with different weapons.
"I wish but no, it will be much more difficult for me to hack into these," Adam sighed, "go to the East entrance, I do know where Adamari is being kept."
"Copy that," Luri said, "I'll take the front."
Cassie's mind was racing as Adam kept on whispering which way Luri and she had to take but Cassie hardly heard, she blindly followed after her cousin. All she could do was worry for her sister, she could be dead or tortured into insanity, she could be paralyzed from the torture. All of these thoughts were stuck in her head and she couldn't get rid of them.
"We're here," Adam said softly. Cassie wanted to push past Luri, to open the door and save her sister but Luri grasped her arm and pulled her back with a stern look in her green eyes.
"What are you doing?" Cassie asked her infuriated.
"I'll look first," Luri said softly and compassionately, "just in case."
Cassie wanted to protest but just like that Adam grabbed both of her arms and pulled Cassie back as Luri stepped into the cel, just before she vanished into the dark cel Cassie could see her eyes widen. It remained quiet for a long time and she feared for the worst, with much force Cassie managed to free herself from Adam's grasp and stepped into the cel.
There she was, curled up in the corner of the cel wearing a dirty, old rag for clothing, she had her arms wrapped tightly around her legs and her eyes were wide open filled with fear.
Cassie was horrified by what she saw. Adamari didn't look like herself, her hair was cut extremely short and uneven, some spots were so short you could see a bald spot on the back of her head followed by an infected wound, the top of her pointy, left ear was cut off and the wound seemed infected. On both of her cheeks was the letter 'M' was carved into, clearly some sick way for Mazari to claim Adamari as her own. She had cuts and wounds all over her the parts of her body that were visible.
The words 'Pillock', 'waste of space', 'asexual', 'egomaniac' were carved several times into her body but what stood out the most was 'property of Mazari' on both of her shoulders. She had lost a lot of weight, Cassie saw how her bones fit in her body, every curve of a bone, visible. Her eyes were bloodshed, her lips were dry, cracked and cut and she was covered in her own vomit, urine and blood. Cassie knew what a psychopath Mazari was but never would she have imagined this.
Cassie never felt hate towards anyone, she never wanted revenge or a cruel form of justice but all she could think of was how much she wanted to hurt Mazari for what she had done to her little sister.
"Adamari?" Cassie asked as she tried to hide her sadness. Cassie knew that she had to be strong for Adamari but when the frightened girl didn't even respond to her own name something snapped in her.
Adamari crawled back into a corner, like an abused dog, she burried her face into her knees as if they couldn't see her if she didn't see them. Cassie knew her sister as a strong woman and now Mazari had broken her into a million pieces.
"Cas," Adam whispered softly as he gently grasped her hand, "I know she's your sister, but let's take a step back."
Cassie didn't understand why he wanted her to take a step back until she realised that she had her fists balded by her sides and that had seemed to frighten Adamari even more.
She gasped and allowed Adam to slowly step backwards, Luri however, suddenly calm and collected, stepped forward and leaned in towards Adamari but still with at least several inches away.
"We are not going to hurt you," Luri whispered in her motherly voice, one she only used on Ciana, "could you tell me your name?"
Cassie didn't understand why she was acting like this, Adamari knew what her name was.. didn't she?
"I-I," Adamari whispered, her voice sounded raw like she hadn't spoken in weeks, "I am Puny.."
"Do you know who I am?" Luri asked calmly. Cassie didn't understand how Luri handled this so well, her own cousin just said her name was Puny. Puny was an insult, it meant small, fragile and weak, everything Adamari was not and yet she strongly believed that was her name.
"You are the bad people," Adamari stammered, "I want my master."
"What'd she say?" Cassie whispered under her breath as she looked over at Adam who had a painful look on his face.
"Who..." Luri stammered for a moment, anger clearly taking over but forcing herself with all of her might to remain calm, "can you tell me who your master is?"
"The great princess Mazari is my master," Adamari said, "I... love her."
"What do you mean?" Cassie asked, Adam's hand still wrapped around her wrist.
"She comes here every night, and she loves me," Adamari whispered, "she makes love to me."
"Oh, she..." Cassie whispered, "she raped my little sister."
Cassie never hated anyone, not even her disgusting ex, she was a very positive person but this Mazari she hated, with all of her heart. There could never be peace again, not after this. This woman had tortured and molested her sister. She knew Adamari would never have consentual sex, because she didn't desire sex, she never had.
"Can you tell me who she is?" Luri asked Adamari and pointed to Cassie. Adamari's golden and frightened eyes moved from Luri to her and her eyes filled with fear.
"Yes," Adamari said, "she did this to me."
It was like her entire world around her just collapsed, Adamari was afraid of her because Mazari had tortured her into believing that Cassie had done it. Cassie felt one too many things at once, it was indescribable.
"Listen to me," Luri said, "she did not do this to you, she is your sister and she came to rescue you."
Adamari however didn't listen she began crying, shouting for help and she dug her nails into the skin on her head.
"Quiznak," Luri grunted, "Adam! Give me the damn syringe."
"Got it," Adam said and walked past Cassie, grasped a syringe from his pocket and plunged it into Adamari's neck. The fluids of the syringe entered Adamari's body and within a minute she'd lost consciousness.
"Adam, can you carry her by yourself?" Luri asked as he stared at Adamari.
"Yes, why? What are you going to do?" Adam asked.
"I'm going to cut off Mazari's fingers and feed them to her," Luri said are stubbornly walked past Cassie and Adam.

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