Chapter 1: Revolution

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A dreamless sleep, he was in between worlds as he was cast away in his mind. All his worries were gone and for a moment he did not know of anything that was. Until his peace was disturbed.
"Paul! Wake up!" she shouted at him.  At first her voice sounded far away, like an echo. But it kept coming closer until it rang in his ears. He jolted up.
"I'm awake!" Paul grunted, "what's going on?"
He could hear the alarms go off on his phone, his girlfriend was talking to him but he wasn't paying attention. As he picked up his phone he noticed it was a danger alert. He frowned, what the hell was going on? He tried to focus on what this alert was saying while his girlfriend was shouting but his sight was still blurry from the sleep.
As if on cue his mother called. Maisey.
"Mom?" he asked confused, "what's happening?"
He could hear Genevieve get extremely annoyed with him in the background, she always hated that he responded quicker to his mother then her.
"Come to the Garrison right now," she said hasty and worried, "a revolution has begun and we need to regroup."
"We're on our way," Paul said shocked. Paul was extremely confused but didn't question his mother, she'd explain everything once they got to the Garrison.
"Be safe sweetie," she said softly, "I love you."
"I love you too mom, stay safe," Paul said before he hung up and quickly started to get dressed.
"Paul, what's happening?" Genevieve asked him with a concerned look on her face.
"My mother said that a revolution started and that we have to get to the Garrison asap," Paul said stern, "so get dressed and pack a bag real quick."
"Paul, I'm scared," Genevieve said softly, he turned around and saw the utter fear in her eyes.
"I know," he said as he placed his thumb on her chin and leaned down, "I am too."
He kissed her passionately and stared into her grey and terrified eyes when they broke apart.
Genevieve kissed him one more time quickly and packed their bag as Paul quickly got the car keys and started the car. Before Genevieve would arrive at the car he quickly called his sister. He had to make sure she was okay.
"Paul?" she asked him hasty, "are you on your way?"
"Almost, Gen is just packing our bag," Paul explained, "what about you and Ciana?"
"We're on our way," Luri said, "she's very scared."
"Of course, she's only four," he said softly, "are you scared?"
"For a strange reason I am pumped with adrenaline," Luri explained, "I should be scared, but I'm not."
"You're never scared," Paul laughed and he noticed Genevieve making her way to the car.
"Gen's coming," Paul said, "see you at the Garrison, be safe Luri."
"Yeah, you too," Luri chuckled, "and Paul, I suggest you take the long way and take small roads because I'm on the highway and it's crazy."
"Get off the highway," Paul said as Genevieve sat down in the car besides him, he drove away, "I'll pick you two up if I have to but the highway isn't safe now."
"Please, I am an excellent driver," Luri scoffed. Luri was in fact an excellent driver, she was always much better at it then Paul. But now people were scared and confused, desperate to get to their families in case another war would break out, that meant that the roads would become dangerous.
"I know you are but even excellent drivers get into car crashes that are started by bad drivers or in this case scared drivers," Paul explained, "so I suggest you get off the highway right now and follow your own advice or leave your car and I will pick you two up."
"I'll get off," Luri sighed, "see you at the Garrison."
"Stay safe," Paul said as he drove through the madness.
People were scared, he knew that much, he saw them plunder supermarkets and buy guns. Some people were buying woods and needles, everybody was clearly scared for another war and since the last one was one of the worst in history they'd make sure to be kind of prepared. Even if it meant that they had to lock themselves up in their basements.
"People are going crazy," Genevieve said as she stared out of the window.
"Fear poisons the mind," Paul said as he speeded up, "time to break some traffic rules."
"Be careful and don't get us killed in a car accident please," Genevieve said stern.
"We'll be fine," Paul smirked, "I was trained by my dad."

"So, if you slowly switch you can feel that the pedal is trying to push back, right?" Keith asked from the passenger seat.
"Mhm," fifteen year old Paul nodded, "that's when I need to slowly push this pedal down?"
"Exactly," Keith nodded, "and if you finally drive off properly we'll get a burger together."
Paul smirked and nodded, Keith chuckled as he watched Paul's nerves slowly sink away.
"Why did we go to such an isolated place to practice dad?" Paul asked him.
"Because you have enough space, you can't hit anybody and because your mother would be filming your every move," his father raised a brow. Paul smirked. Maisey did tend to do that a lot, her entire gallary was full of photo's of Paul, Luri, Kosmo and their father. Her standard excuse was that she was gathering photo's for a photo album but that excuse began five years earlier, and that photo album still wasn't made. All of the photo's were just on social media where millions of people liked them because his mother was an universal hero. His father on the other hand didn't have any social media.
"Let me guess she did that with Luri's first lesson too?" Paul quirked a brow and his father nodded. Luri was just like their father a prodigy driver and pilot, Luri was also less nervous to drive then Paul was. He was anxious and waited with driving until Luri was almost a pro, Maisey would sometimes sit him down to talk because she wanted to understand where this anxiety came from. But truthfully he had always been anxious.
Maisey immidiatly understood him saying that aunt Avrigg had the same issue growing up, which he found weird because nowadays aunt Avrigg seemed pretty confident so it was hard for him to imagine that she struggled so much. But he actually opened up about his anxiety to his aunt and she really helped him in a way only she could. He was also extremely shocked to learn what she had to go through, he had anxiety but everywhere he went at least someone would like him because his parents saved the universe.
He sighed as he felt his heart pound in his chest and did as Keith wished and he actually managed to drive. Along the way Keith  told him what to do and he quickly picked it up.
"Should we call mom and Luri?" Paul asked as they awaited in the drive-in.
"Hm, no," Keith said, "this is a father-son moment, and they're probably eating pizza."
"Those two will become a pizza one day," Paul said as Keith chuckled.

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