Chapter 4: The Training Of A Paladin

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"Why did the blue lion choose him?" Luri asked Erity. The two girls were sitting apart from the others who were busy making plans for the new team voltron's departure. She could see Reyan talking to Adam, the two already got along.
"Could be Allura trying to tell you something," Erity smirked and Luri quirked a brow.
"You're kidding right?" Luri asked, "Reyan and I will never be together."
"Come on, Lu," Erity said, "I know you cut him off before anything could happen because you got scared."
"Scared? I don't get scared," Luri scoffed.
"Of course you don't," Erity said sarcastic, "but with him you did, because you didn't want to admit to yourself that he made you feel vulnerable. Not a single one of your exes has made you feel that way and I know he did, so you that scared you and you cut it off."
"No, he's a jerk that's why," Luri sneered.
"More of a jerk then Ezra?" Erity asked and Luri shot her a cold look, "I'm sorry, but he is."
"He doesn't want to see Ciana anymore," Luri said, "I gave him a second change, I allowed him into her life because I felt that she needed her father and now he doesn't want any contact with her. I feel awful."
"He said that?" Erity asked.
"Mhm," Luri sighed, "he got married last year and his wife got pregnant recently, he said that's the only family he wants. He says that Ciana was just a mistake so maybe that should just remain a mistake."
"Did you tell Paul this?" Erity asked and Luri looked up. She hadn't mentioned her brother in over two years unless Luri started the conversation about him.
"No, he'd kill him," Luri said, "maybe me fighting this war is just me postponing from breaking my little girl's heart."
"You're fighting this to protect her," Erity said, "she understands it, she wanted you to fight this war. She's a lot stronger then you think she is, when you two are back together you should tell her about her father."
"Easier said then done, how do you tell a four year old that her father would rather spend time with his new family then the one he abandoned," Luri said, "he left me when I got pregnant with her and then out of nowhere he showed up saying that he wanted to know her that he wanted to see his daughter and so I gave him a change because maybe it would work for her. But now she's suddenly not good enough for him. I just don't know what to do."
Luri frowned, she had been keeping this secret for over a year. Ezra lived across the country and so Ciana was limited in seeing him but still even she noticed that the facetiming calls were getting shorter and fewer every week. Just before the war started he cut them off for good and now she didn't know what to do anymore.
"You didn't know what to do when you got pregnant with her either, as I recall you stayed with Lance for two weeks because you were too scared to face your parents," Erity smiled.
"That's not weird to be scared of my parents, I mean they both know how to kill people," Luri laughed.

"Luri, you can't keep hiding from your family," Lance said softly as she was staring at the pink wall infront of her.
"I know, I just don't know what to do," Luri said, "this would change my life."
"You have to do what your heart tells you to," Lance said softly as he sat besides her, "this doesn't have to be a desicion that you make on your own, you can tell your parents."
"I'm afraid they'll judge me, I'm afraid that I'll make them so mad," Luri said, "I'm afraid they don't want me anymore then, I'm nineteen, I still live with my parents. I can't be a mother."
"Your parents are my family and I know that they'll never turn you away from their home, they'll never judge you," Lance said, "they love you so much and they'll be there for you every step of the way, no matter what you choose."
"Are you sure?" Luri asked.
"I'm sure," Lance said, "but you need to tell me one thing."
"What's that?" Luri asked her uncle.
"Where that quiznaking piece of shit lives so I can send Moudol on him," Lance said stern.
"I'm not telling you," Luri chuckled, "if he dies, I'll kill him myself."
"There she is," Lance said and smirked, "little Mrs Keith."

"Honey, is everything okay?" Maisey asked as Luri at across the table, "you seem a little anxious."
"I am," Luri chuckled as her parents looked at their daughter concerned.
"What is it, sweetheart? You can tell us anything," Keith said softly.
"I know, but you're not going to be happy about this," Luri said, "will you promise me you still love me after this?"
"We will always love you, Luri, no matter what's happened," Maisey said softly, "but you're starting to scare me a little."
"We love you, whatever it is that you want to tell us, you can," Keith said softly.
"I'm pregnant," Luri said as she saw her mother's eyes widen and her father's jaw drop. It was utterly silent as they seemed to be at a loss for words.
"Y-you're pregnant?" Keith asked, "with a baby?"
"I am," Luri said, "I have been pregnant for a month now and I was too scared to tell you so that's why you didn't hear from me for two weeks because I was hiding from you since the moment I found out."
"Hiding? You don't need to hide from us," Maisey said, "sweetheart, we are glad you told us. But before we get into it further, what do you want?"
"What do I want?" Luri asked her mother confused.
"What do you want? Do you want to keep the child?" Maisey asked her daughter.
"I think I do," Luri said, "I don't know, if you want me to abort it I will."
"No, sweetheart, that's your baby, in your body," Maisey said softly as she grasped her daughter's hand, "you decide what you want for your baby, so what is it that you want?"
"Well," Luri said, "I've thought about it and I want to keep the baby."
"And we will be there with you every step of the way," Maisey said softly, "won't we, Keith?"
Her father was staring at the table in front of him with wide open eyes, like he wasn't hearing the two talk.
"I think your father is having an error," Maisey said, "but I promise you, Lu, we will support you no matter what."
"I thought you'd respond differently," Luri said, "I thought you'd be angry and not so supportive."
"I'm not supportive that you got pregnant, but it happened so there is no reason for me to be anything else then supportive of your desicion," Maisey explained, "I am just glad that you confided in us. Or at least me, because your father didn't hear anything after the word 'pregnant'."
"I'm still scared of his reaction, when he comes out of his trance," Luri said looking at her disturbed father.
"You don't have to be, I'll take care of it," Maisey said, "we will have the office room turned into a room for your baby, our grandchild."
"Y-you'd do that?" Luri asked confused.
"Of course, where else would you go?" Maisey questioned, "you stay right here, with your baby."
"Thank you, mom," Luri said softly.
"You know, when your father and I got pregnant with you and your brother we were looking at names," Maisey said, "and we knew rather quickly that we wanted a boy to be named after your grandfather, Paul, and a girl named after Allura. And I came across this name, Ciana, and I just knew that if we would ever have another child and she'd be a girl I wanted to name her Ciana. That was before we found out we were having twins and you two ripping out my uterus."
"It is that painful?" Luri asked horrified.
"Yes, it is," Maisey said, "but once you get your newborn child in your arms it is so worth it, the moment I held you and your brother in my arms was the most beautiful moment in my life."
"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" Keith shouted out of nowhere, "who's the father?! It's that Griffin kid, isn't it? I knew that slimey boy was just like his father, I will kill him!"
"It's not Reyan!" Luri said, "Reyan and I never dated."
"Who's the father, Luri?" Keith asked angered.
"Ezra Parker," Luri said as she actually got a little scared of her father, "I haven't told him yet."
"Don't have to, I'll kill him," Keith said as he got up from his seat.
"KEITH!" Maisey shouted angered, "you will sit down right now!"
"Excuse me?" Keith asked offended as he looked angered at his wife, but Maisey wasn't even slightly amused or impressed.
"You will sit down and help your daughter!" Maisey said stern, "she came to us with her story and her decision and you will support her like you always have!"
"She is pregnant," Keith said, "she is having a child! She still a child herself! She can't have one!"
"That's not your choice!" Maisey said, "that is her baby, in her body! Not yours and not Ezra's! She wants to keep the child and we will help her in that process! So sit down right now before I make you!"
Keith was angered, it was all over his face but he looked from his angry wife to his scared daughter and Luri could she the anger vanish from his face. He sat back down and grunted in frustration.
"I'm sorry, Luri," Keith said softly, "I never meant to do that.. I am here for you and the baby."
"It's okay, dad," Luri said, softly.
"It's not, I overreacted," Keith said, "and I just misbehaved myself, you don't deserve that. I don't know how hard this must be for you so it wasn't my place to respond the way I did. I'm sorry."
"I forgive you," Luri said softly, "this might not be the way you wanted it to go, but you are about to become grandparents."
"Oh God, I feel so old now," Maisey laughed as she got up and hugged her daughter, "having a child is such a wonderful gift. You'll be a great mother."
"I have a pretty good example," Luri said as she looked at her mother.

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