Chapter 13: Corruption

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Paul's pov:

"Paul?" Luri asked him as she sat down besides him, "I'm worried about you, you look like shit."
"I do?" He asked her as he stared ahead into the nothingness the castle had found itself in, "we're losing a war, Luri."
She didn't need to know that every time he closed his eyes he was haunted by a different version of himself. A version of himself that he feared and prayed wasn't real, he was frightened on becoming the man he saw in those dreams. Paul hadn't slept in days, being awake was the only way to keep the strange dark thoughts out of his mind.
"You shouldn't lose sleep over that," Luri said, "we're paladins, we can't be in bad shape. And you, my little brother, are in bad shape."
"They're just bags under my eyes from stress," he lied, "I'm good."
"It's the middle of the night, you should go to sleep," Luri sighed, "how about I make you a cup of warm milk just like dad used to make us when we wouldn't go to sleep?"
"We don't have Kaltenecker," he said, "and I'll be fine."
"Seriously, what's troubling you?" Luri asked him and he sighed irritated, "you look like you haven't closed your eyes in days."
"I broke up with Gen," he blurted out.. he had sent out a message, he didn't actually know if it reached her, "I broke up with her."
"Why? I thought you guys were hitting it off?" Luri asked, "I mean, she even thought you were about to propose soon."
"Propose?" He asked his older twin, "I never even thought about buying a ring."
"Why'd you break up with her? Do you think it will keep her safe from this war?" Luri asked him and he ran a hand through his brown hair.
"No, I-" he stammered unsure, "I've grown feelings for someone else."
"You have?" Luri asked him and smirked, "it was about fucking time."
"I didn't even tell you who it was," he said and quirked up a brow. Luri simply shrugged and smiled at him.
"You won't have to either, I already know," she said, "I've known for years."
"You have?" He asked his sister confused but she simply nodded and patted him on his shoulder.
"Get some sleep," she said and yawned, "it'll feel good, I promise."

Erity's pov:

Something was up with Paul, she was growing concerned about him, she had never seen him in such a state. Ever since the ball he had been.. strange.
He stopped speaking to the other Voltron members, he even went back to referring to Darya by her actual name instead of the nickname he had given her, he seemed to haven't slept in ages.. the bags under his eyes were red and puffy and his eyelids were always hanging like he was having a hard time keeping them up. He was losing weight rapidly and she didn't understand where the change came from.
"Luri?" Erity asked as she pulled Luri to her, "what's up with your brother?"
If he talked to anyone it was Luri, they were siblings and twins after all, they were each other's best friends.
"He doesn't talk to me," Luri answered, "I know he broke up with Genevieve a few weeks ago, not long after the ball.. but he's been spiraling ever since."
"Is it because of the break up?" Erity asked a little too excited. She hated her enthusiasm over their break up immediately.
"He broke up with her, so I doubt it," Luri said, "something else is going on but I don't know what.. I even tried to get a hold of my mom since she always gets through to him but with the UBE jamming with our signal I haven't been able to talk to her at all."
"Excuse me!" Bandor suddenly called, "there's been a distress signal from this planet!"
"A mission, finally!" Reyan grunted as he sat up and looked at the planet on the screen, immediately groaning annoyed, "not where Bii-Boh-Bi lives."
"You know him?" Darya asked him surprised.
"Of course, my dad loves the shows he directs," Reyan sighed, "he doesn't understand a word of course but since they only say Bii Boh and Bi he finds it hilarious."
"What kind of distress signal is it, Bandor?" Coryza asked, "can the rebels and I help in any way?"
"The planet is under heavy attack," Bandor answered, "the Coalition is too far away, we have to go help them."
"Let's roll," Erity said as she patted on Luri's shoulder and looked at Paul, "Paul, I think you should sit this one out."
"W-What?" He asked her confused, "I can fight! Why would you-"
"- There's something wrong with you, you're not in your right mind," Erity said, "and I saw you fly last week, it looked like you had been drinking that's how bad you were. You're sitting this one out."
"You can't bench me!" Paul screamed outraged, something that nobody was used to from him. Sure, everyone expected Luri to get mad but Paul was always rather calm and reserved.
"You're not coming," Erity said stern and turned to Bandor, "can you open a wormhole for us?"
"I can, but I'm not sure how you'll be able to get back if we lose the signal again," Bandor said.
"We'll find our way back," Erity said as she turned to Adam, "we've got Adam. He'll know the way."
Adam nodded and stuck his thumb up.
"As for you and the rebels Coryza, you should stay here and help Bandor with protecting Altea," Erity said, "we can't lose Altea."
Coryza nodded and walked over to Adam, ready to say goodbye to her boyfriend. In the meanwhile Paul hovered over Erity with this angered look on his face, now that he was so close she could actually smell the sweat on his body.. he lacked hygiene too, very unlike Paul.
"I'm coming too," he whispered sternly and Erity simply shook her head, "you can't stop me."
"I'm your leader," Erity spoke, "I've given you a command and that is to stay here! We got this."
Paul grunted frustrated and stormed off, punching the wall next to the dooropening on his way out.
"And here I thought you were the family hot-head," Reyan chuckled to Luri, who simply rolled her eyes at him and walked over to get to the red Lion.
"Let's go team," Erity said as they got ready to leave.

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