Chapter 7: The Riot of Daibazaal

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Prymkox pov:

"We stand here today after twentyseven years of peace and harmony because three Princesses decided to kill our people, to slaughter our armies as if they were animals," Prymkox spoke, "now Voltron wants to help, but in the diplomatic way. I say these Princesses have lost their rights for a diplomatic solution. They never came for a diplomatic solution before, they attacked instead. So will we just sit here and wait for voltron to kindly ask them to step away? No! We should pick up our weapons and show them who the Galra is!"
"Victory or death!" Degto shouted and he looked over his shoulder to see his sister with so much rage in her eyes and admired it.
Everybody cheered and just liked that the old and ancient ways of the Galra before voltron came were all back. It never left their blood. The crowd of people cheering, shouting and swearing was music to his ears. He loved how they got their weapons out and began to brainstorm on how to kill these Princesses.
"Voltron can find a solution for Altea, but us? We will fight them with all of our might ourselves!" Prymkox shouted, "we will kill their entire planets if we have to! They killed your children, your sons and daughters who were on their way to help Altea and why did they do it? Just because they could! I will not let that slip, I will not accept any solution brought to us by voltron and their coalition. They call themselves the Princesses of Destruction! Soon they'll be the Princesses who were Destroyed! We will kill them and have justice for the Galra! We will crush them! For our Empire! Will you join me?"
Thousands, no, millions of people screamed at the top of their lungs as they all joined Prymkox's Rebellion, they would fight back and show those Princesses who they were messing with.
"Can I join you?" A farmiliar voice asked softly which made it sound that much louder than the shouting. Prymkox looked down and his eyes met with Adamari Egan, the killer queen herself.
"There will always be place for you," Prymkox said and smirked, "you were on that mission, you deserve to be here just as much as everybody else."
"Won't your voltron family miss you?" Degto asked Adamari.
"I don't really care, they killed them just because they could," Adamari said, "I'll kill them just because I can. They were my family just as much as voltron and I will not allow those quiznaking bitches to live out their lives when the war is over."
"You're making the right choice," Prymkox said as he placed his hand on Adamari's shoulder, "we'll get our revenge."
She smiled at him, how he had always admired that Egan girl.

"Who is he?" He heard a new girl ask. He smirked as he knew they were talking about him.
"Prymkox," Jal said and she scoffed, "don't waste your time on him, the guy's evil."
"Evil?" The new girl asked. Prymkox slowly looked over his shoulder to see who this girl was. She was Galran, like him, she had dark, blue hair and bright colored eyes. She had an accent that gave away that she came from Altea. What he found most impressive about her weren't here good looks, because quiznak was she good looking. No, it was the fact that she looked at him with absolutely no emotion at all, her eyes were cold and distant. No admiration, fear, disgust or anger, pure emptiness. She wasn't impressed by him at all.
"He's in the army, but," Jal stammered, "he believes that the ten thousand year war was justified and well.. Sendak was his mentor before voltron came."
"Sendak?" The new girl asked and chuckled, "that's fucked up. Perhaps I should introduce myself to him. Hi, I'm Adamari and my auntie killed your mentor."
He got shivers down his spine, he now knew exactly who she was. Adamari Egan, second child to Avrigg and Romelle Egan, Voltron heroes. Her aunt and uncle were Paladins. He felt no hatred for her aunt killing Sendak, at some point Sendak got annoying and it was only for a short period of time when he was still young, his sister Degto never met Sendak. Still being associated with Sendak would be something that would haunt him forever, especially since they had the same beliefs.
".. Y-your aunt killed Sendak?" Jal asked. Jal was a stupid girl, that he had always known. She was nothing kore than a tall and clumsy girl who tripped over her own feet. She would never make it into the army.
"Yeah, my aunt is Maisey Kogane, the white paladin," Adamari said, "you didn't figure that out when I introduced myself as Adamari Egan?"
"N-no, I didn't pay a lot of attention in history class," Jal stammered.
"That's because you were never there, Jal," Prymkox said as he walked over to the two girls, "the name is Prymkox."
"Adamari," she said still not impressed as he was towering over her.
"You don't look frightened," Prymkox said softly.
"Should I be?" Adamari scoffed, "you don't look that scary to me, just like a big baby who never got out of his punk phase."
"Hm," Prymkox smirked as Adamari maintained eye contact with him, "I like you."
"I don't like you," Adamari said.

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