Chapter 5: The Princesses of Destruction

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Eunorah's pov:

The three of them stood on top of a mountain out of range from the Castle as they watched it lift off from Altea. She stared at the Castle as a smirk grew on her face. They had sent only a few of their power to "fight" them so it would look convincing but Accahira had planned everything out from the beginning. Eunorah was glad to have joined the two Princesses, now she would finally be able to make her people love her. She would get them out of their suffering and they'd finally appreciate her. This was her time.
"Eunorah," Accahira said and she looked up at the real leader, "it's time you start making a believeable story for when you infiltrate Voltron. You know what to do."
"Pick the weakest one," Eunorah said and smirked, "they have no idea what's coming for them. I can already feel their fear."
It was time. Finally. Their revenge would be sweet.

Keith's pov:

It hadn't been that long since they left but it felt like forever, Keith frowned since he was worried about his children but he also knew they would make a great team. Not much later after they had evacuated everyone on Altea they received a call. One they did not expect. They were making their plans to help Daibazaal but the few Alteans that stayed behind to wormhole had to rest for a while. Allie, Bellamy and Kordian were taking care of them.
"Eh, guys," Pidge said, "we're receiving an incoming call from the mother ship."
"That's weird, right?" Hunk questioned, "I mean the minute our children leave they decide to call us."
"We really are dealing with much different assholes than we have before," Maisey said and pursed her lips angered, "what do we do?"
"I say we see what they want," Lance shrugged and he folded his arms.
"I agree," Keith said and he looked over at Shiro, "what do you think Shiro?"
"Answer it, Pidge," Shiro said and Pidge nodded.
One of the Princesses appeared, she had a dark skintone, white hair and green eyes that were so bright they almost seemed to be glowing. Her face showed no emotion at all as she looked at every paladin. He had never seen someone show so little emotion.
"I am princess Accahira, I heard you spoke with one of my commanders," the princess said with an accent that just like Allura's sounded Brittish "and today is your lucky day."
"Do explain princess," Shiro said stern. Accahira seemed as if she wasn't in touch with her emotions, she seemed like a cold and distant woman, which to Keith seemed like a dangerous enemy. He could only wonder what the other two Princesses were like. Her voice was just as cold as her face.
They had indeed spoken with the commander from the guard they took, they still held the guard captive not much further down in the tunnels. Moudol was probably having a great time with him and one of her knives.
"I invite the former leaders of voltron for a diplomatic discussion in which we will elaborate how we can peacefully end this war," Accahira said, "so I am speaking directly to you, Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane, do meet me beneath Allura's statue and let's see if we can come to an agreement."
"So you attack first and then you want to discuss peace?" Keith asked angered.
"Attack? I'd like to call that a simple wake up call to let you all see that our poor way of living is no longer being tolerated," Accahira said still not showing any emotion, "I give you three hours to prepare yourself for this meeting, deny and I will burn all of your planets to the ground, not even your precious Katie or Bandor can save you from the damage I can cause. And do come unarmed, I will too, there will be no diplomatic discussion if anyone is armed. Don't you agree?"
"We will meet you there, unarmed," Shiro said.
"One last warning before I go," Accahira said, "do not try to test me in any way. I know where you weaknesses are hidden and where to strike at the right time. I am not one you'd like to test, texting me would be your biggest mistake. I'll see you in three hours."
And like that the princess had cut off the connection. Keith had to admit that this princess was indeed someone who seemed calculated and clever, that was just his first impression. He wouldn't act too impulsive around her.
"Pidge, what can you tell me about princess Accahira?" Shiro asked as he turned around from the screen. They were still huddled up in the tunnels since they hadn't had the change to go back to earth or to find out what happened to Daibazaal after the Princesses attacked the forces that were on their way to help Altea.
"Princess Accahira is the princess of planet Volyra, planet Volyra was one of the first planets to be taken by the Galran Empire due to their mines, they mine the special metal used to build ships and weapons. The Empire dug it all up and kept it for themselves which was bad for planet Volyra because now they had nothing to trade with anymore and that's why they fell into poverty. The king of the planet is simply ruling the people that are incapeable of joining the UBE forces and the princess is specially trained in combat tactics, battle strageties and martial arts. It says here that she was one of the smartest people to have ever lived on the planet because she passed all of her tests on the age of seven. You're dealing with a dangerous one here," Pidge said, "it's also stated that she was the one to start the rebellion. She made the plans and convinced the other planets to join. She started the UBE."
"She's the dangerous one?" Maisey asked, "but Paul said that the guard told him that if he thought princess Mazari was dangerous that he should fear more for a princess.... eh her name was.. Oh! A princess Eunorah!"
"I think we need all the information on all the Princesses," Lance said, "this one already seemed scary, she didn't blink once in that entire conversation."
"Maybe they don't blink on her planet," Hunk stated and Lance frowned.
"I doubt it's a cultural thing," Lance said.
"Princess Mazari is the princess of planet Rarlon, not much is known about the planet until Paul displays it in an art gallary," Pidge said, "they were always very secretive and closed off but the Empire did capture them too, they were much like the Olkari they invented a lot for the Galra but the Olkari were much more advanced. Rarlon is also known for their special martial art that only they know. There isn't a lot about her, I think she'd be the least of your worries."
"What about the last one?" Hunk asked, "why is she so scary according to the guard?"
"Princess Eunorah," Pidge said and her eyes widened, "oh quiznak."
"What's wrong?" Lance asked Pidge confused, "is she pure evil or something?"
"We can call princess Euonorah the renewed version of Haggar," Pidge said.
"She's a witch?" Hunk asked, "no wonder they're nicknamed the Princesses of Destruction. They have a warrior, sociopath and a witch."
"Not just a witch," Pidge said, "her specialty is controling of the mind, according to this article that was published on her planet; Eunorah is capeable of taking someone's mind over and making them do what she wants. She is also highly advanced in alchemy much like the Alteans. The people on her planet actually believe she bewitched the king and that's why she is still a princess.. They all hate her. She is the princess of planet Zelex which was ruled mostly by the druids back in the days of the Empire, they experimented a lot on the people of the planet which is why some people are born with the rare ability such as Eunorah. Since those people remind them of the Empire too much most of them are executed the moment they show the signs but because Eunorah is a princess she is still alive but her people don't want her to be a queen when her father passes. As if Eunorah wasn't scary enough she is very skilled in battle, learned almost every combat style there is and she also easily blends in with the crowd."
"I take it back, Accahira isn't the scariest one," Lance said.
"Why would she start a war for her planet if they don't even want her?" Shiro questioned.
"Maybe in order to gain their love she joined the war," Hunk suggested and everybody glanced at him.
"Makes sense," Maisey said, "she might be so desperate to be accepted that she ended up joining the cause so she could be the queen she was born to be and her people accepting her to be the queen."
"It is obvious who the real leader of this war is," Keith said as he folded his arms, "Accahira always mentioned herself. She would meet us. She warned us to not test her. There is no mention of Mazari or Eunorah. We spoke to one of her commanders. She is the real leader and the other two are just her helpers."
"Good work Keith," Shiro said, "now what do we do?"
"The prisoner stopped talking," Moudol said as she limped into the hall they were in, "I drew a smiley face on him, so he cried and now it's not as good as it could've been."
"Drew?" Maisey asked as her glance was fixated upon the bloody blade in the hand of Moudol.
"I couldn't stop her," Avrigg said softly.
"Nor did she want to," Romelle said as she looked at her wife with an angry look on her face.
"And he's blushing out of his cheek," Moudol smiled as she was pleased with herself.
"Out of his cheek?" Lance asked shocked, "Moudol what the quiznak have you been doing?l"
"I was told to get answers from the guard," Moudol shrugged, "so I got creative, been a long time since I got to be creative. Last time was when Avrigg and I left to kill Vei and..."
"Shut up," Avrigg said as her eyes widened and she slapped Moudol.
"You two were the reason Vei and the other prisoners died?" Keith asked since he was one of the few to lead the trial of the traitor who had kidnapped Maisey and brought her to the slave masters of Draozuno.
"Noooo, Avrigg was the reason that Vei died and I was the reason everybody else died," Moudol explained and Avrigg facepalmed as her wife looked at her judgemental.
"You two have kept this secret for over twenty four years?" Romelle asked, "you two broke into a highly guarded Galran prison and killed everyone in there?"
"We didn't plan on killing the others, just Vei," Avrigg said, "I promised to Tallis that I would kill everyone responsible for her death and I kept that promise.. I told you about that so no I do not feel any remorse."
"Yes and I just really don't like slave masters and I got bored so I thought I'd do myself and the victims of Draozuno a favor," Moudol explained, "and it actually started because one of them was looking at me the wrong way, nobody looks at me the wrong way. It was fun, I had a great time.. We would really do it again sometime Avrigg."
"... I don't think I can," Avrigg whispered as Romelle's eyes were fixated on Avrigg.
"He wasn't just responsible for the kidnapping of you Maisey," Avrigg explained, "he was also the reason one of my best friends from the Blades died. Him kidnapping you just send me over the edge."
"I just can't believe you kept this!" Romelle said offended, "I am your wife, you tell me who you kill and who you torture!"
"It won't happen again, Fruitpie," Avrigg said softly as Romelle looked at her wife angered.
"Breaks into prison, kills a traitor but gets scared of angry Romelle," Lance laughed.
"Avrigg although we understand your reasons for killing Vei, we should really discuss this all after the war is over," Shiro said softly, "for now we have to get back on topic. Where is your daughter?"
"Adamari is keeping watch on the guard," Avrigg said, "had contact with any of the Princesses?"
"We did," Maisey said and she looked over to her husband and Shiro.
"We need you, Adamari, Allie, Bellamy and Kordian to go to Daibazaal and check the grounds, we can not evacuate them just yet because it might jeopardize our meeting with the princess," Shiro said, "we're meeting one of the Princesses within three hours and I'd like to have all the information I need before we meet our new enemy."
"Copy that," Avrigg nodded, "Fruitpie, it's your turn to keep an eye on our guest."
"Be safe, please, the both of you," Romelle said and she kissed Avrigg, "I love you."
"Love you too Fruitpie," Avrigg said, "you'll see us soon."
"Pidge, can you make me some robot arms and legs so I can walk normal again?" Moudol asked Pidge nicely.
"I don't think I've ever heard you so kind before," Pidge said and she smirked, "I'm already on it."
"Thank you, Fruitpie," Moudol nicknamed Pidge who just gave her a cold look, "what? Can only Avrigg call Romelle that?"
"Yes," Avrigg said, "it's personal."
"Okay, Baby, I won't do it again," Moudol said, "if I say that in court will I get away with it just like Avrigg just did with Romelle?"
"I don't think ot works like that," Pidge said, "and you'd be lying."
"True," Moudol said, "Keith you have to see how artistic I got with the guard, Paul's career will end once I show my art to the universe."
Keith shook his head no, Moudol had shown him plenty of artworks back in their Blade days and honestly he didn't need to see it.
"She's calling cutting people open.. art?" Hunk asked Lance confused.
"It is a form of art that is only understood by only a few people," Moudol explained proudly.
"Mhm, indeed," Hunk said softly, "we call them psychopaths."
"We're leaving," Avrigg said as she waved at them all, "have fun with Bloody Picasso over here."
"Be safe," Maisey shouted over to her sister and Avrigg nodded towards her before leaving. She would probably say a small goodbye to Romelle and then leave whilst Romelle would look after the guard.
"Hunk, you know I'd never hurt you on purpose, I actually like you," Moudol explained and Hunk's eyes widened.
"O-on purpose?" Hunk questioned, "you'd never hurt me on purpose?"
"Mhm," Moudol said softly, "I can't always control the urges."
"Well Hunk, I think that's all you're gonna get," Lance sighed, "just be glad that if you die at Moudol's hand it wouldn't be on purpose."
"I feel so safe now," Hunk said sarcasically as he stared at the Galran woman, "I'm going to say a quick goodbye to Bellamy and Kordian."
"They're already gone," Pidge said and Hunk looked at her offended for not telling, "what? We are in a hurry they left as quickly as they could because they have to be back in two hours."
"Sorry Hunk," Maisey said softly, "this.. was much easier for all of us when we were the Paladins.. But we're not and now our children are just as much involved in this as us."
"Might be weird to say but," Lance stammered, "I really miss those days.. When she was... still with us."
"We miss her too Lance," Shiro said softly and he placed a hand upon his shoulder, "but as long as we're alive we will keep her memory alive and now our children, your little cousins are all doing that too. She'll always be a part of us."

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