The Crow

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A tall man with beautiful, jet-black hair and intense, onyx eyes walked towards his fellow comrades. "Attention, everyone. I have an important message to give to you all."

Everyone, from Deidara to Konan, looked up at their well-respected leader. Even Hidan, who usually was quite disrespectful, even payed attention. "What is it this time, Itachi-san? I didn't get in trouble this time. Tobi is a good boy." the masked man said.

Itachi Uchiha, the new leader of the Akatsuki, smiled. "Well, this one is special. This time we have a new recruit." He gestured to the figure behind him.

There stood a girl with [hair color] hair and [eye color] orbs that pierced deep into the body. She glared at the rest of her future teammates. She didn't hate them. She just didn't want to have them bother her and her missions. [Name] only did this for one reason; to protect her younger brother, that is.
Two weeks ago...

"Onee-chan, where are you going? I don't want to stay over at Ronome's house." [Name's] little brother, Karasu, clung onto [Name's] sleeve. Tears filled Karasu's eyes. He rubbed them away.

"Onee-chan's going on a little trip. You stay here with Ronome and his family for a while, okay? I'll be back in two weeks, all right?" [Name] knelt down and kissed her little brother's forehead. "I love you, Karasu." [Name] opened the door and left.

[Name] walked out into the dark, silent streets of Sunagakure. She received a letter from a crow earlier that day. [Name] knew that her brother's life was already in danger, and he had to be protected, so she accepted the request. As she glanced around the road, she came upon a small field of grass.

A shadow was already there, waiting for her. [Name] approached the figure cautiously, for she did not know who or what could be there or suddenly attack. The closer she got, the more clear her vision became.

A man, around his early twenties, was folding his arms and gazing intently at her. "Ah. You must be [Name]. I'm Uchiha Itachi, leader of the Akatsuki. You do know why I chose you, correct?"

[Name] shook her head. "I know that I'm protecting my brother at all costs. My entire clan died, and my brother and I are the only two known survivors. We're already in danger."

Itachi chuckled a bit. "You're the exact kind of person I'm looking for. You received a letter from a crow, informing you about the Akatsuki, right? I chose you for your unique skills. You are able to fight well, and we need a person like that to help our group."

[Name] tossed her head to check behind her. "Will that...protect my little brother from all harm?" she asked, bashfully.

Itachi smiled. "Yes. We'll do everything to protect your brother."

[Name] nodded. "Then, I agree to work as an Akatsuki member. She held out her hand, and Itachi gladly accepted it.

Before [Name] left, she turned to Itachi and glared. "That doesn't mean I trust you. I'm only having you protect and ensure my brother's life."

Itachi sighed as he watched the stubborn girl walk away. He picked her for the right reason.
Nagato studied [Name] with great care. "Itachi-san, do we really need a new member?" He rubbed his chin. "I mean, we're already packed. Who's she going to be partners with?"

Itachi had thought of this already. "[Name]-san does need some serious mentoring around here. Let's see...." Itachi moved his eyes around the room. "Deidara's still with Sasori, and so is Konan and Pain. Same goes for Hidan and Kakuzu. Tobi will be with Kisame until said otherwise."

Kisame stared at Itachi in shock. "Are you mad!? We're partners, Itachi!"

"I know."

"So, you pair me up with Tobi?"

"Don't say that, Kisame-senpai. Tobi's a good kohai." Tobi mumbled.

Itachi held up one hand to calm down the chatter. "I feel that [Name]-san should get professional help from her leader, instead of a fellow senpai." He winked at [Name], which made her slightly blush and cringe at the same time.
After everything was settled, Konan showed [Name] her room in the women's wing. It was a spacious room with a bed, desk, and bookshelf. "You're able to bring extra clothes from your home to wear when we have no missions. I believe Pain showed you the bathrooms and kitchen, too, so I'll be leaving." Konan turned around and shut the door.

[Name] fell onto her bed. She was completely exhausted, but she knew that she'd have to do her best. She was, in fact, one of the best ninjas Konaha has ever had these past three years. [Name] was reminded of her cute brother, Karasu. Oh, how she missed him deeply.

[Name] would do everything in her power to protect her brother from the ninjas who killed her entire kin. She nearly drifted off to sleep when she heard a knock.

A deep, mello voice sounded through the door. "Excuse me, [Name]-san, but I'd like to speak with you once more." [Name] opened the door.


"Follow me." Itachi motioned her to follow, and together they walked to a balcony.

Itachi leaned over the fencing and peered over to gaze at the peaceful Konahagakure. "You know that you have one fatal flaw, right, [Name]-san?"

"And, what would that be!?" [Name] said, feeling insulted. She walked up next to the rather attractive Uchiha.

Itachi let the breeze pass before speaking. [Name] noticed that, even though Itachi's eyes looked cold and unemotional, he was really happy and satisfied with life. He looked calm and peaceful.

"You really hate teamwork, let alone people. You don't really like others slowing you down because you know your brother would always come first in your list of priorities. But, I want to change that."

It was true. [Name] had a tendency to hate teamwork. She was always the best out of everyone, so she never bothered learning how everyone else worked and struggled together. But, [Name] would never admit that. It was a trait her clan had. She could never trust some stranger. Then again, she basically sold her abilities to some strange organization.

"How do you know that, and how would you change that?" [Name] asked. She kept distance between Itachi and herself.

Itachi turned to look into [Name's] [eye color] eyes. "Your eyes say a lot about someone. You can tell whether they've been through a hardship, or if they are faking a smile. And, I'll change it in a way you'd never suspect. But, trust me. You'd like this change very much."

The Uchiha smiled brighter than he ever had before in his life. [Name] turned around and closed her eyes. Somehow, she treasured this smile. Maybe because it reminded her of Karasu's smile or...

Maybe she should smile more like that.

.:End - The Crow:.

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