~Chapter Six~

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Angel just shrugged and smiled. He glanced at me but I just looked around the place. I don't know why I sensed him smiling to himself and giving me that stupid look he's been giving me since we met. Maybe it's because he knows what's going on in my mind. So what? It doesn't mean anything. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Like, why would I? I barely even know him. I don't care about him nor his love life. I have my own problems to focus on.

"What can I get you?" She asked him and I couldn't help but snort at the way she said it with her stupid sickening sweet voice. It sounds like a little girl's voice.. she has a baby face as well. Her teeth are all crooked and all but she isn't exactly bad looking. A bit chubby and has extremely curly and untamable looking hair but she's actually very pretty... That pissed me off and I have no idea why.


I blinked and bit my lip. It can't be. I'm not. Why would I be? It's stupid.

I looked over at Angel and he was smiling to the side like if he had won the lottery or something. Okay, what's up with him? Asshole...

"I actually am here with my friend.." He said and she looked at me. She gave me a sweet smile but I could see it in her eyes that she wasn't happy to see me with him. I am taller than her. And quite skinnier than her. I am not sure what exactly she is, but I know that she's not one of us; a hybrid. I didn't even mind looking into her mind because she reflected it very well how much she liked him.

"Hey." She said with no particular interest. I hate hypocrites; so I simply gave her a closed lip smile and looked away.

There was an awkward silence before Angel spoke again.

"So... we need a table.." He said and she picked two menus from the side and handed it to us.

"Sure." She said and walked over to a table by the back. "When you're ready to order, call me." She winked and left. I was boiling and felt my canines pop out even more. I kept my mouth shut but I felt them poking my lower lip.

We didn't speak and I didn't even look at him. I took the menu and eyed it. There was everything for everyone. I looked at the vampire section, so used to it from back in Vancouver, and licked my canines. Blood shakes, blood covered hearts, warm blood lattes, cold blood drinks; blood everywhere... my heart beat was quick and I started feeling my temperature grow colder. When I'm about to turn into my full vampire form, my temperature drops. There are good and bad vampires; but either way, blood sucking monsters with no beating hearts that are cold and only appear in the night aren't precisely good... I don't precisely hate being a vampire, but I hate being thirsty... very thirsty... I never really got to my limit, but right now I don't know what's wrong with me so I am scared I can somehow get out of control..

"What's wrong?" Angel spoke and I adverted my eyes to him. I had been glaring at the center piece in front of us for all the time I had been thinking. He held interest in his eyes, but was still serious. He was staring at me; expectantly.

"Nothing." I said and he snorted. I rolled my eyes and caught that Katy girl walking our way. Fuck.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked and placed her complete attention on Angel. Fuck... this isn't good. Whatever it is that's going on with me, if I get more pissed off, I'll get out of control so this bitch needs to get out of here ASAP.

Angel kept his eyes focused on me and I kept my eyes on the center piece. I glared at it and moved my hand to the table. I began moving my fingers on the table so my nails made a noise against the wood. I was trying to calm down, focus on something else. I tried focusing as much as I could on the stupid center piece.

"Are you to order the same as always?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows. Always? So he comes her often. Great.

The center piece was a black flower with dark green leaves in a small pot. I stared at the flower. I stared at it for as long as I could..

"Yeah but could you bring two cups of cold blood?" Angel asked and I bit my lip. "Quickly, please."


"Yeah, sure thing." She said and I bit down harder by the sound of her voice. "Anything else?" She asked him sweetly. I looked at her and watched her hand move to his shoulder. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but as soon as I focused on the flower again, it set on fire.

She gasped and I narrowed my eyes. Angel seemed calm, tho. He just took the cup of water besides the center piece and poured it over the flower. The fire ceased and he smiled at her.

"I think that would be all." He said and I looked at her. She looked at me and turned pale. I don't know what was wrong with her but she quickly nodded and left. I furrowed my eyebrows but felt relieved to finally have her out of here. "I don't think 'nothing's wrong."

I looked at him and he stared at me with a knowing look. I locked eyes with him and we gazed at each other for sometime. I watched how his light brown eyes turned lighter. I could feel his cold heart beating wildly against his chest the same way as mine. When I kept looking into his eyes, I could feel everything that coursed through his body. I could feel his fangs coming out of place and I could hear the faint growl coming from his chest. I guess I'm not the only one thirsty.

"Why are you jealous?" He asked me and I narrowed my eyes at him. Tho I couldn't speak in this state. I wasn't being myself. My vampire was about to take over me and I didn't know if it was good or bad.

"You know why." I said, but it wasn't me. It was.. weird. And my voice was lower than usual. What the hell is wrong with me?

He smirked and chuckled to himself. "You need to get used to it." He said and moved his hand to the one I was still moving. "You need to learn how to not let it take over you.. cuz it won't get pretty if it does. That is the evil within you."

I looked at him and he looked at me. He moved his hand back and before he could speak, another waiter came in with our drinks. I wonder what happened with Katy..

"Cold blood.." he said quietly and left. I didn't even think twice. I took the cup and chugged on it as if my life depended of it. Slowly, I began coming back to myself. I felt myself calming down, my fangs shrunk and I felt my body temperature raise up to normal. My heart began beating normally again and my vampire finally calmed down. The sweet taste of blood swirling through my tongue down my throat felt amazing.

I finished the cup of cold blood and licked my lips. I looked at Angel and he was smirking to himself. He had already finished his cup of blood as well. His body seem to be back to it's normal state. I guess I wasn't the only one who needed to quench their thirst...

Tho, I know it was more than just being extremely thirsty for blood what made me go crazy. What I can't seem to understand is why...

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