Chapter 4: Watching The Tournaments

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Ruby's POV

2 hours before the interrogation...

My team and I were joined up in the crowd as we were going to watch Team JNPR fighting team BRNZ, however, I can't help but feel sad that Lloyd won't be joining us to watch.

Ruby: I wonder how's my Lloyd doing now? I wish he was here with me, watching the tournament together...

Yang: "Are you okay little sis?"

My thoughts interrupted as Yang called me.

Ruby: "Huh? Of course, I'm okay."

Weiss: "Oh please, you're kinda looking down now."

Blake: "Missing Lloyd already?"

I can't deny that, so I blushed and looked down.

Ruby: "Yeah... I miss him."

Yang: "Don't worry little sis! I'm sure he'll be here any time soon!"

I nodded and we focused back on the arena as the match is about to start.


The scene starts on the familiar shot of team JNPR readying themselves against their opponents in the Amity Colleseum, the mountains to their back and forest on the other side. A large holographic screen counts down with Peter Port over the crowd's cheering.

Port: 3... 2... 1...

Jaune: *raising his sword* Come on guys!

Port: BEGIN!

All four members of JNPR charge forward, but only three fighters from BRNZ do the same; the beanie-wearing May Zedong turns around and heads into the trees, cocking her sniper rifle. In the center of the field, leader Brawnz Ni delivers a knee kick to Pyrrha's shield that sends her skidding back, right before she blocks the claws on his fists with her xiphos. She jerks her sword away and makes him leap back, just as the sniper jumps up into the branches of the forest with the bladed butt of her sniper rifle. Ren readies his StormFlower to attack Nolan Porfirio, who almost gets blindsided by Nora's swing with Maghnild before he ducks under the attack and attempts to hit her with his cattle prod. The sniper girl finally takes aim from her spot and manages to fire off two rounds near Ren, destroying the rocks behind him. Jaune manages to block the buzzsaw gloves of Roy Stallion with his own shield before he notices the bullets flying and sees the glint of the gun in the leaves, making his eyes widen afterward.

Jaune: "R-retreat!"

Ren and Nora ran back towards the mountains as Jaune and Pyrrha uses their shield as cover and bullets from May's sniper rifle were just simply deflected by their shields. The four leap over a rocky outcropping and used it as cover.

Pyrrha: "What do we do?"

Jaune peaks out and saw Nolan, Brawnz and Roy charging towards their location.

Jaune: "Spread out! Try to keep moving!

As he said this, Brawns attacks Jaune by landing a fist on him, which Jaune blocked the attack on time, while his team spreads out.

May gets even higher in the tree and smiles from behind her scope as she looks at the fight below. Brawnz and Pyrrha continue to duke it out while Nolan slowly advances on Ren when he slides into his path. The prod-wielding warrior looks back at the trees and nods to his hidden ally, who shoots at Ren's feet again and makes him jump around trying to dodge them. Just as he lands, Nolan hits him upside the head with his weapon and is able to easily dodge the retaliatory kick while landing another blow to Ren's knee and a final hit to the chest using the business end of his prod. Electricity shoots through Ren's body before he collapses to the ground beside his childhood friend.

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